it's been a while since i posted pictures of my cats! I know you've been on the edge of your seat wondering what they are up too.
weird little hub that connects the dining room/bathroom/craftroom/2nd bedroom/living room. scampi and murray love to lay here when light is coming through the bathroom window.
update on that wild kitty we are trying to tame: the workmen left the basement door open and she ran down there. we haven't been able to get her back into the main house. i put a litter box down there, and food and water. she is still terrified of us. i'm contemplating renting a trap from the humane society to at least get her back into the main house. but i don't know. i don't know if she's a lost cause or not.
murray is still the center of attention around here. now that dana is living with us he has two ladies fawning over him all the time. he also likes that most of the doors in the house don't really click closed, so he can get into whatever room he wants.
scampi has stopped sleeping at the foot of our bed. maybe since we have heat now she doesn't have too.
house update: this week they are going to update our fuse box! and put in the outlets we need! and a few other things! then they will be done and we'll be able to use the stove and washing machine! i'm off on friday and saturday and i'm planning on unpacking at least 75% of the boxes that are left. i can't wait!