Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A day in great detail: pugfest

all right, i hope you guys are ready for this...

PUGFEST 2010!!!!!

that might be the cutest thing i've ever seen!!

i picked out my clothes the night before so i wouldn't wake up travis.

she is so pissed that i made her sit in the back. even though she was 1 foot from me.

five hours later we're almost there!!

look at that tongue!

won this in the silent auction. it's a lamp. and amazing.

pug kissing booth!!!!!! totally worth a dollar!

it was almost too much!

this little baby had both of her eyes removed! it made me want to cry!

potty break before the costume contest!

banana split!

we freaked out about this french maid. look at that little duster!

i wish i had a herd of pugs.

sister sofie!

antoine dobson pug!!! no one in the crowd got it, but brittany and i were dying!

so in love with this little critter!
we stood and watched all the contests, like most wrinkles, longest tongue, curliest tail, best kisser!

there was lots of pug love going around.

but look at this coven of cuteness!!

another visit to the kissing booth.
i was so thankful that brittany came with me. it would have been impossible to hold rose/take pics/buy stuff/eat all at once.

it's starting to wind down. they did the ipad drawing (i didn't win) closed the silent auctions, etc. etc.

back in the crate. rose yells that she is ready to go home.

we pick cds for the ride home! we listened to NOW that's what i call music volume 1 all morning. haha.

rose changes into her pugfest shirt so she'll be comfy. she passed out about an hour into the ride home.
we finally get home. i throw some food out for rose then give myself 10 minutes to get ready for a halloween party. normally i wouldn't have wanted to go out after such a long day but it was the 5th annual halloween masquerade ball!

hmmm a vampire will be easy, i've got enough stuff in my costume stash for that.

left a huge mess behind. but i was in a hurry!

i wish i had better pics of the setup. the theme this year was "the birds". i missed almost everything, but i showed up in time to dance like crazy for 2 hours!

my friend meredith MADE this freaking dress! it was amazing!

she made the shoes too!

sweaty aftermath. i can't remember the last time i danced so much. it was awesome.

after party at steak and shake!

brett is the one who threw the party. he always goes all out.

"back to the future pose"

double mmmm.

bye guys! it's 2 am, i have to go!

sweet little husband waiting outside for me to get home.

after this i jump in the shower then crash into bed and immediately fall asleep. what a great day!


  1. What happened to Rose? Just found your blog and reading backwards but can't help but wonder since you mention how much you miss her.

  2. i hope if i reply here you'll see it! rose was hit by a car in november of last year, just a few weeks after pugfest. i had her out running errands with me like normal and her leash slipped out of my hand and she ran into the street. it was really horrible and traumatic so i never wrote about it on here, though i did write about it on my protected live journal. the entries are so sad i never felt like transferring them to here. so that is what happened to my first ever pug. it was awful.


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