Wednesday, June 22, 2011

St. Louis Part One: Metropolis

About halfway between Nashville and St. Louis is Metropolis, Illinois. Of course they have a big superman statue. This is my fourth time stopping by and we still had to stop and check it out.

there is also a superman museum. i thought it would be boring. but it is actually awesome.

did i tell you travis is really into planking now? you will be able to tell on this trip.

the vintage stuff is my favorite. and that is mostly what the museum is.

hook rug.

ryan brought props for a photo op.

i wanted to buy this pretty bad but 12 was too much. i hope i find a set at a thrift store. so funny.

back on the road for a few more hours!


  1. totally adorable!! :)

  2. that pinata!!!! and the latch hook rug!!!! (if you hear that someone has robbed the superman museum, it wasn't me. okay?)

  3. great photos!!!! Love all the superman ones - the colors look amazing!
    Love your blog!

  4. haha, knit core, i wouldn't call myself a superman fan but i wanted SO MUCH stuff from that museum! to bad the gift shop didnt have anything cool


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