Thursday, June 30, 2011

St. Louis Part Three: The City Museum!

Now it is time to continue with my St. Louis posts! I'm having a big of a difficult time, because as some of you know I have had a live journal for almost 10 years and I am used to posting up to 100 photos in a post. Which isn't really something you do on a public blog. I've been trying to keep it down to 10 photos a post but oh man is that hard! So here is another little slice of our road trip to St. Louis:

after the pez convention we had to stop by one of the whole foods in the area. we are all work dorks. i snooped around my department and even talked to the girl who does my job in that store. it was really fun. 

they had this great asian grill in their prep foods area! made to order deliciousness.

i ate the vegetable rice, travis had the honey shrimp and some rice balls. it was really good.
next stop...

the city museum! we had been once before and it was amazing. it was still great, but i would not recommend going on a saturday in the summer. it is much more enjoyable on a weekday in november.


ryan immediately climbs up into the ceiling and travis climbs under the floor. it is going to take some work to stay together.

no pictures of the caves, too dark. but once it opens up! amazing! they have a slide that goes all the way down from the top, but the line was always too long.

travis climbs up this dome. it was REALLY high. ryan and i were too chicken.

the roof was so cool. it costs extra but definitely worth it.

driving the bus that is hanging off the side of the building.

the view.

climb back to the bottom for a brain freeze break.
the view from the cafe. so pretty. how lovely would it be to have a wedding there? 
ok, i'm going to have to split this up into a few posts. the city museum is just so cool, i can't narrow it down to ten pictures! 


  1. isn't there a cut option on blogspot? i think there is...

  2. there is a cut option, i just feel like its a different kind of format.


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