Saturday, July 23, 2011

Estate Sales!

i love it when i am off on Thursdays. That way i can get to estate sales bright and early on the first day. We went to one yesterday that was very close to my house. The house was FULL of awesome vintage stuff, and they are going to open up the stuffed full garage next weekend! i'll have to make a few posts to get in all the great stuff we found.

I was so happy to find one of those tiny deer mounts! and that vase! the tiny cuckoo clock was actually found at a thrift store, my only good find there in a while. i love decanter jars for parties and i like how that one is marked for "all beverages"

some silly magnets.

apparently i am starting a vintage black stallion/black beauty collection. i have about six copies now.

a cute bermuda glass in my favorite colors!

some butterprint pyrex. i know it is easy to get out of control if you start collecting, so we're just picking up this pattern. it matches my kitchen colors. the only other thing i'd allow myself is red or turquoise fridgies. i want some of those badly!

and of course some vintage linens! because i am obsessed. they had a BEAUTIFUL chenille bedspread and this great poodle condiment set that i am kicking myself for not getting. i actually went back for the poodle the next day but apparently someone had it in a pile of stuff to buy and it got knocked over and shattered! what a shame.


  1. you're failing your estate sale ban, i see. :)

  2. OMG, your treasures are devine! I love them all!

  3. I'm dying over here! I don't know how to pick a favorite of all your amazing finds...the green deer planter? The novelty cuckoo clock? The magnets??? Girl, that was a great haul...

  4. So many goodies! I'm jealous those linens are beautiful. Love that cuckoo clock.

    E :)

  5. Love the linens, especially the sweet singing lamb. Cute!

  6. Your finds are delightful, l can't pick a favorite!

  7. OMG I love that lamb print scarf like crazy!!

  8. Wow you have so many great finds. That pyrex and those vintage linens...just perfect. x

  9. oh my god! i a m freaking out! you found all of that at the same estate sale? what a score!!!!

  10. I love all of your finds, especially the tiny cuckoo clock and great linens and pyrex too.

  11. everything here is so awesome! that cuckoo clock!


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