Thursday, October 27, 2011

Collection 5: Milk Glass Mugs

It is nice to have a collection that you can get some use out of (other than decorating of course). I love mugs, but obviously with just the two of us, we don't need THAT many. So i made my mug criterion pretty strict.
they have to be milk glass. they have to be blue or red. and they have to be cheap. most of these are from the goodwill outlet so they were probably about 25 cents. i think this collection started with the weird flower one, or maybe the blue hazel atlas glass. i love the look of milk glass.
my friend crystal actually found this little devil. but she tries to not buy much, so she said "please buy this so i don't have too." i was happy to comply.
this universal studios is another favorite. i guess everything on there used to be rides at the park? do they still have a parting of the red sea ride? sounds thrilling. of course, i haven't always stuck to my mug rules. i have some with deer handles and one that is shaped like e.t. but for the most part i am able to resist.


  1. I have never heard of milk glasses... but they look pretty cool!

  2. *GASP* I can't even begin to tell you how IN LOVE I am with the teal-striped one! It's my FAV color. (Actually, it kind of matches the background of your blog too!) Great collection!
    - Mandi

  3. I love this collection! I collect these too (surprise, surprise-our tastes match so, so well), but I would love to find the devil one or the Bull Shit one. O, and thank you so much for suggesting Pre to Post Modern-I loved the store and the owners were very sweet! I found some great treasures.

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  6. I sort of love that there is a lady named Debbie somewhere missing her mug

  7. Those are really great collection. I also have a collection of different glassware which I only use if there is an important occasion to be celebrated. I like the milk glass with a design of Universal Studios.


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