Sunday, October 16, 2011

Vintage Finds

our vacation is two weeks away so i've been saving my pennies and not thrifting much. but pretty vintage stuff keeps coming my way! I went to the goats, music, and more festival in lewisburg, tennessee last week and there was a great vintage booth with super low prices, not even taking into account that everything was half off on the last day. i picked up that cute panda bank for a dollar!
and the pretty metal globe with astrological signs for 7.

the other stuff was given to me by my friend Neill. We watch his dog for him (that sweet dachshund chloe) and sometimes he brings me vintage treasures as a thank you! I would watch her for nothing, because she is so good and sweet, but it is fun to get pretty things. he brought me a better homes and gardens annual cookbook from the year of my birth....
a cute old chopper that matches my kitchen , a pretty depression glass syrup server and serving dish.  
last but not least, one of those cool vintage hair dryers! i love that faux bois label maker tape!  
nail dryer portion.  
i love the type they used. and i'm tempted to try it out. (never mind, apparently they sometimes have asbestos in them!!)
it has a hose and the little cap to pull over your hair. so fun!

linking up as usual:


  1. Don't try the hairdryer! They often had asbestos in them! I read that on a vintage blog, and here it is on the asbestos network site:

    Just looking out for ya, lady!

  2. thanks dana! i probably wouldn't have, but it is good to know that so i'm not even tempted.

  3. that little bank in the photo caught my eye right away. so charming! and what a great friend you have in neill.


  4. I NEED the panda and the hair dryer!!!

  5. cool, cool!! I love the panda. The hair dryer is so cool. I didn't know they sometimes had nail dryers, too!


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