Thursday, August 30, 2012

An estate sale

My friend Thomas is looking for good deals on furniture and household objects to furnish his newly bought house and I've convinced him that estate sales are perfect for that. I thought there were no sales that interested me this past weekend, but he got me out and we hit this sale that hadn't been posted until the morning of the actual sale. How weird. The house was pretty cool. Sadly it had already been sold and was being torn down at the end of the month. 
That explained why they were writing prices on the walls with sharpie markers. I think it was the company's first sale. It was strange. At first I wasn't finding much, but I ended up with some good stuff.
Cute wallpaper. And cute matching beds.
Thomas browsing.
Scary! There were big closets lining the hallways. So weird.
Need any vintage Kotex? I would be lying if I said I wasn't tempted. Haha!
These chairs were awesome. The one on the right was calling my name, if only it had the bottom cushion! We saw some girls loading these into their car as we left.
See? I didn't leave empty handed! I'll show you what I got tomorrow.
We went and got lunch at a place called the Pied Piper Eatery. We got to sit at the Lionel Ritchie table.
Fried pickles!
Sadly, just like the first time we went there, the food was just mediocre. Such a disappointment.


  1. You KNOW I would have bought those old tampons. : ) Wow, what a beautiful house. I'm kind of glad that I didn't see it in person now that I know that it's going to be demolished. So sad... In upbeat news, I can't wait to see what you got! I see the teenybopper button!

    1. hahah, i THOUGHT about buying them and then leaving them on your doorstep, but didn't know if that would be tooooo creepy! haha, the box was in great shape, and full!

  2. I don't know...even if I knew the house was being torn down, I would still have such a hard time writing on the walls; it seems mean. Poor old house. I do want that Teenie Bopper pin. My brother has a button maker, and they're not too hard to make, but it is way cooler to find an awesome one in the wild!!!

    1. i swooped down on that pin so fast! i'm kind of obsessed with it!

  3. And also, I'm hungry for fried pickles.

  4. That house! I went to that sale...and I totally agree about the wall-writing. Just so sad; the house was once loved by somebody. What was weird to me was that in the ad, they said that some family members were still living there. How could you live like that? I got some good Christmas stuff as well, and two blond wood coffee tables that I now think are beyond refinishing (sigh.sigh.sigh). However, it was one of the weirder estate sales I've been to and organization was lacking.

    1. i missed that in the ad! how weird? when i got there a guy and some kids were eating chicken wings on the check out table, then they left all the bones out and trash everywhere so i couldn't put my stuff down. so so weird.


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