Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The most amazing treasure..

First of all, thank you guys so much for all the nice and encouraging things you wrote on my post yesterday. It really means a lot to me. I mean it.
Second, I could not wait one more second to share this with you, even though it is overcast and gross so these pictures aren't the best. Do you read No Pattern Required? If you love vintage/mid century stuff you are missing out if you don't! My favorite feature over there is the Won't You Be My Neighbor one where they post listings for amazing MCM houses all over the country. My second favorite is the Cool Kitsch for sale on Ebay. Usually I try to read those posts a few days after they are made so I am not tempted by the amazing stuff they post, but on this day I slipped and before I knew what was happening I had bid on, and won, this amazing piece of vintage Christmas perfection. Have I mentioned on here that Travis has been selling on Ebay? I can't remember. It is mostly boring stuff like camping supplies and backpacks but he has been doing really well! Which is good because I can use his pay pal account to buy things like this.
 It is seriously perfect. There really aren't any damaged areas. The seller noted a pin hole in the middle but I haven't seen it. Let's get a few close ups of this obviously handmade masterpiece. First note the pom poms and rick rack around the edges.
I think the scene that made me sure I had to buy it was the poodles and giraffe around the Christmas tree. The use of beads and sequins really is inspired.
Look at all the detail on the tree! I love the sequins and the candles! And all the little one of a kind beads. I wonder if someone used some of the most loved little bits in their craft stash to make this.
Like the two little birds.
Let's get a closer look at those poodles! I love the pearls on their collars.
There is a little band including a lion with a drum, a kangaroo with a ukulele and a pig with a horn. Look at how they spelled Noel with yarn!
A sweet rose on the pig's tail.
A beautiful purple seal.
Then a little Santa scene. Really, if it just had the Santa on it I would love it.
I love the middle deer! And how they are each in a different position. I can't imagine how much time someone took with this tree skirt! And how well they preserved it! There really isn't a stitch or ribbon or felt appliqué out of place!
Close up of Santa and that sweet little bear in his sleigh. And look at all the sequins on his wreath!
Here is a little mouse with a fancy tail hanging up his stocking!
And a kitty with a jingle bell singing. Or yelling at the mouse. There is also a kitty sleeping on that pink sequined pillow in the corner, I just didn't take a close up.
Some sweet birds.
I even love the middle. What attention to detail! You can see a little penguin family too, the mother has on a pearl necklace! This tree skirt could not be more perfect in my opinion. It is going to become a heirloom in my family. I wish I could know the original story behind it. How did it end up on ebay? I don't buy much vintage online. I prefer to get stuff for just a few bucks, and the hunt is a lot of the fun for me. But I just couldn't let this one get away. I was sure I wouldn't win. I just bid my maximum and came back two days later. It was tortuous waiting for it in the mail! What do you think? Will I be able to resist getting out my Christmas tree? 
It even pulled the spot light away from this pretty fantastic hanging lamp that Travis found for me at the Goodwill outlet. Oh! Where should I hang it?


  1. That is sweet!! We both have Christmas posts today!!

  2. THE INTRICATE LITTLE CHRISTMAS TREE ORNAMENT BEADS. THE PIG. OMG, THE PIG. ((actually dies)) I didn't know which find of yours it would be that for-real ended my life from jealousy, because there've been some near-misses in the history of my reading this blog, but here it is! Hahaha, great score though. And chin up about the antique case thing, you'll be back in biz in no time, and without the pesky locked-case thing to deter possible paws from perusing and purchasing your always amazing finds! :)

  3. I am in awe at all the amazing handiwork someone put into this. And it's almost like Christmas with/meets the circus. What a wonderful treasure! And what a lovely lamp!

  4. That, seriously, is the MOST amazing treasure!! So much to love about that Christmas tree skirt! I die from the cute!

  5. The seal and doves are my favourite! It is indeed amazing, how could someone sellthat or give it away?

    Keep on truckin and keep us posted about thebooth!

  6. That is unbelievably cool!!! At first I thought to myself, "I should make that." And then I thought, "There is no way on earth I could ever make it that cool because I have the attention span of a fruit fly." That is a treasure; I am so happy that it found a great home. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

    1. at first i was thinking the same thing, like "well i could make one if i dont' win" but i would NEVER have the patience. i would probably do one big appliqué and then lose interest.

  7. Wow, that is seriously amazing. I would put that in a frame and look at it all year round.

  8. Oh my, what an amazing treasure! Ugh, where to start. The pig with the horn is pretty amazing & that little poodle would make an awesome brooch! What a find, lady, you've got taste!

  9. I can't imagine how much time went into making that either...bonus for me is that it is PINK and the pom pom trim!

  10. I'm so happy for you! I can tell how much you LOVE this piece and that it really will stay in your family! It's very cute and so unique!
    Great Ebay Score!

  11. Every part is a little work of art! It is fantastic! I agree with SusieQT, frame that thing!

  12. That just blew my mind. The work on that thing is unbelievable. I love all the decoration on the little Christmas tree. What a rad find (might even be your best ever)

  13. The pig is probably my fave. Love everything about it. This is an awesome buy/find.

  14. One of the most beautiful things that I have ever seen. All of the little details- I could look at them forever. I'm so glad that you got it! I found a lamp similar to that at a Goodwill years ago and was SO excited to have it. Then we had it sitting on a table, dusting it and Pip came along and pulled the cord and it went crashing to the floor - interesting fact: once the plastic parts break, all of that filament shoots off of there like an explosion. It was fascinating and very sad.

    1. hahah, i can just picture the noise it made when it hit the floor. this one is a hanging lamp so hopefully the cats will be able to resist. they are pretty good actually, unless it is something brought to me from another country from my best friend that i can't replace. that they will break. haha.

  15. WOW - that tree skirt is a total thing of beauty! Color me entirely jealous :)

  16. Nothing says the birth of Christ like a guitar playing kangaroo! I love it!

  17. Oh my word!!! The tree skirt is even more AWESOME in your pictures than I could have ever imagined! The attention to detail is simply stunning. I am seriously SO happy that you won it and that it will be cherished in your home forever and ever. I'd like to post a pic on NPR once you have it all set up under your tree, let me know if you'd be ok with that.

    1. yes definitely! I only wish I had pink ornament to match it. i have two aluminum trees, but all my vintage balls are red and aqua.

  18. I have to say that I'm super duper excited for you for winning that little beauty...andddd I can't help but be super jealous ;P

    I'm always on eBay "window shopping!" ALL of my saved searches are for vintage somethings... the most DANGEROUS search ((that I'm completely addicted to)) is "vintage 1950's lot" Ohhhhhhh man!

    Bravo lady!
    Its to. die. for. CUTE!!!


    1. oh man, i don't get on ebay very often because i could get out of control! I bid occasionally, and i even more occasionally win. thankfully. though i'm still heartbroken over losing a photo of two men in the 60's cuddling a toy poodle with a poodle bottle cover (like i collect) in the foreground! that one will haunt me.

  19. What a great find. I cannot imagine the time it must have taken the person who made this to put it all together!

  20. This is the most amazing thing ever! My heart melted when I saw the little poodles.


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