Thursday, November 8, 2012

Estate Sale Report

After a few weekends of mediocre sales, I was happy to get some great stuff over the weekend! Here are some pictures, as usual: 
Gorgeous weather all weekend. It is dreary and cold now.
I love these old paperback covers. I held myself back and just picked two, there were a few boxes full!
This house was CRAZY. FULL of beautiful mid-century stuff. Which meant there was also super crowded. The first day you could barely walk around! I wish I had gotten more pictures of the amazing (and HIGH PRICED) furniture! I went back on Saturday and most of the good stuff was gone. I wish I would have asked about those curtains. I liked that lamp shade on the left too.
I ran into Lauren from Apron Strings Vintage on the first day! She made out like a bandit!

Look at this bathroom! I love the pink tile with that great wallpaper. We are getting estimates to get the tile redone in our bathroom (because we have too, not because we want too) and I'm wondering if doing a retro style renovation will be in my budget at all. It sucks to have to do it before I have money saved up to do what I really want.
Creepy sad eye kids.
On my second trip we found this creepy pipe made out of some kind of bird foot! My good friend Thomas bought it! We keep going to sales to find him stuff like furniture for his house, but come out with stuff like this! Or cast iron skeleton banks.
I found this on my second trip too. But I wasn't tempted if you can believe it, haha!
There were tons of great games at this sale! Including this Jaws game that I have wanted forever! A girl picked it up on the table mere moments before I got to it! Argh!! I did get to see this knock of Scooby Doo game. 
And this knock off "Star World" case!
I about puked when I saw this box full of Dream Pets and dream pet like toys! I had actually jut noticed one and then looked to the left and there was a whole box! They were 6 bucks each, and I already had a big pile so I only let myself get 5. I wish I would have gotten them all!
I saw this car outside one of the sales. I kept a lookout for someone that looked like they would be totally into Harry Potter but didn't see anyone. I wonder why they had all that stuff written on their now. There was stuff all over the front windows too.
After the sales we stopped by a local antique mall I have been meaning to check out called Gas Lamp II. I was really impressed by Lauren's booth! Her taste is similar to mine and I wanted to buy so much! I actually almost bought those concrete mushrooms at an estate sale but I already had too much stuff! I ended up with something from here that I'll show you a little further down.
They had a super cute shop cat too! I looooooooooooove that. Almost as good as the shop pug in Nostalgia in Knoxville.
I also loved this crazy Christmas booth! What a great display. That huge Christmas tree was full of beautiful vintage ornaments. I wonder how they found so many good ones! 
Here is a dorky picture of me sitting in a fancy chair waiting for Travis.
And here is a crappy phone picture of the squirrel I bought! Geeze, so now I have two! I love him and his sad face. He reminds me of Priscilla. Now I just have to find the perfect place to hang him!


  1. You had a fun day! I wouldn't mind coming upon a pile of games like that!

    1. i ended up with 4 games! i had an old vintage life i was carrying around but it was soooo crowded i abandoned it. i kind of regret it now!

  2. Omg, I wouldn't been able to resist the insect collection, but then entomology was a focus for me in college and career. I cannot get over how great estate sales are in Nashville. I really need to make the short trip down there one of these weekends!!

  3. This whole post, every picture is just amazing. I puked, too when I saw that box of Dream Pets up there! I guess I deserved it because I posted something that might make you puke, yesterday ;) And about that Harry Potter fan profiling, is there a certain "look"?

    1. i feel like as a fellow harry potter dork i should be able to tell that someone else is, haha! like a sixth sense.

  4. I need to find estate sales near me. I've never been to one before.

    <3 Melissa

  5. Replies
    1. the only downside was it was REALLY expensive! even the plain vintage balls were 6 bucks each! and the cool ones were up to 20!

  6. I love the sad eyed kid pictures. I'm a sucker for weird/creepy old artwork.
    You got another squirrel! I can`t believe it. I think I might like this one a bit more than your other one. Will you be getting more, I want a raccoon!

  7. Hahaha! The squirrel does have a sort of funny/sad expression, doesn't he? And thank you for the awesome pic of my booth on your blog--wow! I am super glad you guys stopped by; thank you for making the effort and for saying nice things. Hope you are feeling better!

    1. i really did think your booth looked so good! at first i thought one in the back corner was yours, but then i turned the corner and saw that squirrel! Travis pulled it down off the wall before he even asked if i wanted it, because he knew i did, haha!

  8. Your first squirrel now has a brother! That is awesome! Also, good work on the Dream Pets. Would you believe I saw a Totem Disc record-sleeve thing like I mentioned on my blog a couple weeks back on the teenybopper post? At $10, and a little scratched up on the front, I passed it up. I can't decide if it was a good idea or not yet. I'm dying over that "star world" case.

    1. I saw that too! But yeah, ten bucks wasn't a good price since it wasn't in great shape.

  9. Love your squirrel from the antique mall, and that totally was a great estate sale! My husband, cousin and I went to it over the weekend too and everything was 30%-50% off. There were still tons of great items towards the end, so I can only imagine what goodies were there the first day. It's funny, my cousin and I also collect dream pets and between the two of us we bought the ones that were left! We were so excited when we saw them and then we had to decide who go what. lol. There were some great mcm furniture pieces, but the prices were still a bit high even with the discount. Also, Gaslamp II is awesome, just found out about it a few weeks ago and my husband and I breezed through it one day when we only had 15 mins to spare. I don't think we saw everything- that booth looks really cool. :)

    1. oh man! i'm so jealous you got the rest! i wanted to get them all! did you get the fuzzy tiger? I LOVE dream pets so much. I think I have almost 20 now!

  10. I need to go to Gas Lamp...where is it? It looks amazing.

    1. the original one is above the staples in front of 100 oakes (yeah, seriously) then then you get to the second one by turning left before you get to the staples. it is a little weird. it is an antique and decor mall so some of the booths are like kirklands. but there is good stuff!

  11. Those two booths are wonderful! And the sad squirrel is sad, and weird, but cool too!

  12. I have one dream pet, a red Christmas dog, who sits on my shelf year round. I love him!

    1. is it one of the long weiner dogs with merry christmas on the side? i want one of those so bad! i've passed them up TWICE and i never will again!

    2. Yes it is! My sister and I were digging through a box of Christmas things at a sale, and she said it was mostly junk. I started to agree with her, but I saw a splash of red. I pulled him out and tried to act nonchalant, but I was dancing with excitement on the inside. I paid 25 cents for him. It's one of my favorite finds!

  13. Eeek those bugs are pretty weird. I like the paper back covers

    urban hounds

  14. i would have passed out if i had found that box of dream pets! way to keep your composure!

  15. The christmas booth looks like heaven!

  16. I love the creepy chicken-foot pipe........I bet some badass voodoo priest smoked out of it...

    Also love the bug box.

    And I love your squirrel too..........Dead squirrel owners unite!

  17. Awesome! I love going to estate sales but often work Fridays and Saturdays. I'm definitely going to be checking out that antique store though!


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