Wednesday, January 16, 2013

First Finds of 2013

Oh man I feel like it has been SO LONG since I was able to make one of these posts! There haven't been any estate sales and I'm over thrift stores in my area. This little haul is from about 5 different places over the last two weeks. I can't wait for the flea market to get going again, and for garage sale season. Here is what I have picked up recently. 
 Still in love with paint by numbers. There was another horse one that would have made a pair, but it was weird and damaged.
 A little vintage glass with a cute gorilla painting a zebra and look at those huge glasses! They probably hold 40 ounces! I love vintage glassware but Travis likes a big glass so we have a few ugly modern plastic ones. I had never seen vintage glasses this big, but I saw them three different places in Louisville this weekend! They will be great for smoothies too, I always seem to make too much for my glass.
A sweet Dream Pet bulldog, and a poodle in my favorite style! He is my first one with jewel eyes!
I've been looking for cute vintage valentines but for some reason I don't see them much around here. I was happy to find these cute ones! I love the turkey getting cooked the best. How romantic. 
 A pile of photos as usual. And check out that cute goat pennant! 
 Totally in love with this pin! I want to put it on my jacket but I'm scared I'll lose it!
 I love seeing these two photos together. She is loving it in the second photo! I had a swing set like that when I was a kid. It was blue striped and the slide on it would get SO HOT in the summer!
 Check out these two posing in this boat cut out. I was looking at it and said to Travis that there was something weird about it, then the pointed out it wasn't a real boat. Haha!
 I was super stoked that we found this one! It is an old tin type with a hidden mother in it! In Victorian times since kids had to sit still so long for a photo sometimes the mothers were draped in the backdrop and held the kids. I LOVE looking at them online and am so happy to have one in my collection. You can see more examples here and here.
 I also found my first we missed you at church postcard! i wasn't totally sure that it was one at first, but then I saw the bible verse at the bottom. I love how passive aggressive they are. I saw them on Eartha's blog and have been on the lookout since.
This book isn't in the greatest shape but the illustrations are SO CUTE and it was cheap so I couldn't leave it behind. I need to make Phyllis and priscilla some costumes like that. 
And last but not least, a few kokeshi dolls. I love them and they look so cute grouped together. At the sale the had one that was two feet tall! It wasn't in my price range though.

Hopefully it won't be so long between finds next time!


  1. This time off year is tough for sure. That tin type is really cool! I have heard of them before but never seen one. And the giant glasses, I'm so jealous!

  2. I love Kokeshi dolls <3 I have the sweetest little family, a momma holdin her baby and 4 little ones. Always on the lookout for em. Yours are adorable :)

    1. man, they had probably 25 at this sale! i wish knew you collected them, I would have picked you up one! Im still regretting not getting the 2 ft tall one!

    2. Now I'm just all flustered!! You shoulda just left that info to yourself, Rae ;) LOL! But seriously, were they cheap? Please lie to me and tell me they were all like 20 bucks each. Have you seen what they're fetchin on ebay and in shops?! My goodness!

    3. hah! they were kind of cheap. the little ones were 3 to 5 dollars, the 10 inch ones were from about 10 to 20 and i think the HUGE one was 50! so not expensive, but i like to buy things for 25 cents or a dollar if i can, total cheapskate.

  3. Those photos of the girl on the swing are GORGEOUS. If I'd been lucky enough to find those, I'd be having that one on the right blown up into a huge wall portrait. The colors...the joy....LOVE it. And you know, I love that "missed you at church" card. And the horse painting. And all of your finds. : )

    1. i was planning on framing them in a little side by side frame but i love the idea of blowing them up! hmmm i wonder where I can go in town to get it done. How cute! I usually don't buy color photos but I thought the palette in these two was so perfect.

  4. Great finds! Love that horse paint by number!!! I'm wondering if your large glasses aren't cocktail shakers without the lid. My husband collects vintage barware, and those look like the size and shape of his cocktail shakers. :)

    1. oh what a good idea! I bet you are right! That would explain why I have NEVER seen vintage glasses that huge before!

  5. "SO'S YOUR OLD MAN" ---> Best button...ever? I love the non-boat boat cutout picture, too. Fingers crossed that the sales pick up soon!!!!!

    1. the same booth had so many good buttons! she had one with a nerd creep guy on it with bugging out eyes that said hey ladies!' that i loved too!

  6. Great stuff! What would be cool is if you took the 2 photos of the girl on the swing and had them blown up at the copiers. Then framed them. That would look awesome together on a wall

    1. i think i'm going to have to try that. I was going to frame them together but didn't think about blowing them up!

    2. I blew up some pictures of little kids in Halloween costumes that I put on display during October. They turned out well. I would do it with those for sure. Try Kinkos for pricing (or any copy center..Office Depot has copy options too)

  7. i never ever see dreampets anywhere. you're so lucky!

    1. isn't it funny how certain things seem to be more common in certain regions? I see them all the time! But i never see carnival chalk stuff here, but find tons in kentucky!

  8. the little bulldog! I also really love that picture of the little kid, with the hidden mother holding it. I know my Grandma had a few pictures like that. And also those ones of people passed away but ment to look like their sitting or sleeping? They're very interesting to look at, but sad too.

    1. oh i have only ever seen one of a dead person once in person. it was so pretty and sweet.

  9. Wow - what excellent haul! I love that you post your old photo finds. They tell such interesting stories and it is nice to know that they are shared instead of hidden away :-)

    1. thank you! i used to never post them because i didn't think anyone was interested.

  10. I love the painting by numbers, I haven't been out on a good thrifting adventure in ages! It's been too long!

  11. Some of those hidden mother photos are downright creepy, no wonder the kids all look unhappy in them. I love those tumblers & always keep an eye out for large vintage glasses because Chucky likes a big ol' glass too.

    1. travis grabbed one of those cups as soon as i washed them! he has been using this one big bambi cup over and over for months because it is our only big cup! haha.

  12. Greta haul. I love the vintage valentines day cards and photos.

  13. oh my god. the passive agressive churchy postman maes me so incredibly happy! I want one.

  14. Fun finds! Like that horse painting. That swingset looks very similar to mine too!

  15. You find such amazing things! I particularly love the glass and the victorian photo. The thirties and forties are my favorite design period and the photo is such an interesting peace of history. The valentines are great too. I ordered some vintage ones on Etsy. I wish I knew where to go looking for vintage around here. Do you have any particularly sources for looking for stuff?

    urban hounds

    1. i can never decide what my favorite period is. i like the 20's through the 70's really. my house is a big mish mash!
      I stop in any antique store/mall I see. You can usually find the best deals in small towns, and sometimes they have better stuff than ones in big cities! I also get LOTS of stuff at estate sales, which I find on But i've noticed that different areas really vary. In Louisville for example there aren't many sales, and the ones there are never seem to have much. I think it is because there are a few stores in the area that will buy out whole houses! Nashville seems to be better than most areas in terms of sales. I don't thrift much anymore because I don't find much I want. Travis loves digging at the goodwill outlet.
      i can't imagine what the vintage market is like in new york. i bet it is much more competitive and pricey than here! i would love to go to a flea market there sometime, or to that oddities store that the tv show is about!

  16. Begging for some decent sales...hate this time of the year because of the lack of them. Great photos your shared - especially the hidden mom and the missed you at Church!

  17. The picture with the hidden mother is like something out of a horror movie! It's so fabulously creepy. I'm really loving the little story book and the kokeshi dolls, but that church postcard totally takes the cake for me. "Obey the lord" - it seems a little ominous/threatening. I'd be so tempted to frame it and put it on my wall.

  18. Such great finds- I just love the horse painting :)

  19. Yet another person finding vintage Valentines, I am so jealous!!

  20. Not a bad haul for a thrifting drought! Love the kokeshi dolls~ we had a few growing up that were given to my father when he would go on business trips! I think my sister has them all. Very envious of those vintage Valentines! I'm hoping to find some before Valentine's Day!

  21. That pin is awesome! I haven't found a dog with jewel eyes yet, but I did find a cute doe, which my kids thought was hideously freaky. I didn't keep the doe, but I'd keep a dog if I found one!

  22. Gorilla glass! Love.

    I've never seen vintage Valentine's around here. Hopefully I'm speaking too soon though. Love the ones you've found & you always find THE BEST vintage photos!


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