Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Lifelong Medical Collectors Estate Sale

Chanda brought this sale to my attention in the comments last week. I don't usually look at the listings for estate sales more than an hour from where I live, but I'm SO HAPPY she pointed this one out! It was in Chattanooga which is about 2 hours away. It was Thursday through Tuesday and since I had a day off work on Monday, I decided to make the trek. It was the life long medical collection of a Dr! Travis collects medical stuff, and his birthday is coming up next month so I knew I could find something cool for him!
I was worried there wouldn't be much left on day five of the sale, but there was TONS! Two BIG rooms full, and it was all 40% off! I would have loved to see what was there on day one. The woman taking money said they had people running in the doors on the first day.
 These glass jars were my favorite! There were TONS of them and they are all around a foot tall. The labels are painted glass or mirror. I would have loved to bring home all of these!
There were all kinds of signs for different types of doctors, and photos, and strange medical devices.
 I thought this nebulizer was so cool! If I had unlimited funds it would have come home with me! There was also this amazing set of bookends that featured a man taking a horses blood pressure that I loved! I don't know why I didn't take a picture! It apparently commemorated the first time someone took any kind of blood pressure.
 This cool thing was full of tiny drawers for the different remedies.
 There were tables and tables full of all kinds of surgical tools. The only thing I didn't see was a reflex hammer, which Travis really wanted for some reason. It also would be cool to see a bone saw!
 TONS of forceps. 
There were lots of old wheel chairs. And a few dentist chairs. And lots of really cool furniture that would be great for display, but it was all pretty pricey. 
 Another item on Travis' wish list was a glass syringe. They had lots, and old boxes of needles.
I had NO idea what lots of things were for, but it was fun to look. I really wish Travis could have come with me, he would have been flipping out and having so much fun.
 I thought about getting this cool box but the bottom was broken. I didn't realize it said Memphis until I looked at the pictures. I wish it had been in better shape!
 I'm really regretting not getting this book! It was about the treatment of scurvy, and look at that nautical theme! If not for us, it would have been a perfect gift for my best friend, whose dog is named Scurvy! You wouldn't believe the HUNDREDS of cool books at this sale! And they were pretty reasonably priced.
I was truly bummed not to be able to buy this for Travis. A real medic helmet is near the top of his wish list and this one was so great! But they wanted $325 for it and that is just out of my price range. 
Even though it was a trek, I'm so happy that I decided to go to this sale after all! I had never been to a sale like this before, and it was so cool to look through everything! I would show you what I ended up with, but I don't want to ruin the surprise for Travis' birthday! But I will say that I did buy at least one thing pictured above. Have you ever been to a sale like this? I love seeing a BIG collection like this!


  1. I want that wheelchair!! Just for everyday use. Although, I think I would definitely need a lap blanket and a cat

    1. there was a wicker one as well. I think you would look great it in with an afghan and some knitting needles.

  2. WOW! What an amazing collection. This has got to be one of the most interesting sales you've been too. So much to look at. I love all the old surgical instruments.

  3. Oh my! I would have loved that sale too! I have not ever seen one like it. I have a degree in chemistry and those bottles would have definitely come home with me! Can't wait to see his gifts!

    1. I went to one that was in a dr.'s house during the summer, but almost all the medical stuff was gone before we got there. I wonder how this stuff looked in the guys house!

  4. I read a really interesting article in the times about a medical collectors apartment, very cool stuff

    urban hounds

  5. That is so cool!!! It's so cool that someone told you about it and you got to go!!

  6. That wheelchair is so cool but damn the price of that helmet! Thats so much. One day I too will go to a big sale like this... but for now I will live through your pictures.

  7. I am PAINFULLY jealous! This is EXACTLY the kind of creepy antique equipment with which I want to fill my living room. Do you remember how much they charged for the human head model? I love it so much.

    I can't wait to see what you bought. A glass syringe, perhaps? That would look so cool displayed in a shadow box. *sigh*

    1. I didn't see a price on the head! we have an old phrenology head already so I didn't bother to ask, but that one is one of the coolest I've seen!

      oh, you can guarantee there is a glass syringe in there. I think I ended up with 10 things!

  8. Oh my GOODNESS, oh my GAWD...GIRL. THIS IS AMAZING. I remembered seeing this advertised and for some reason, I always act like anything further than Lebanon is on the moon. Two hours is nothing if I could have seen all these crazy contraptions! I actually literally cannot wait to see what you got Travis, you know he's going to be a happy camper. I'm personally rooting for the ceramic head with the lobes of the brain outlined (you know, for desk reference, why not?).

    1. We should watch for another AMAZING one out of town and make a day trip of it! How fun would that be?

    2. HECK. YES. I'm keeping my eyes peeled!

  9. also...jamie's roomie has a glass syringe and it sits on a coffee table by a vintage gas mask...such a statement piece

  10. What a collection! Looks amazing

  11. I saw that sale advertised, and thought of Travis' collection since you've featured it on your blog. Glad you got to go and find some super-cool birthday surprises!

  12. The phrenology head is awesome!

  13. This looks like such a fascinating sale! I know that you were dying that Travis couldn't be there (but all the while, scoring fantastic presents for him). I never think about those out-of-town sales either but this one looked like a doozy.


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