Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Lamp of my dreams!

Believe it or not, I have been looking for vintage lamps for months. For some reason I have a really hard time decided if they will look good in my house and can never pull the trigger and buy one, not matter how cute or good a deal. But when Travis and I were killing time at the local botique Pangaea while waiting for our movie to start (we saw Up On Poppy Hill! I loved it!) my eyes fell upon this lamp and I KNEW I had to have it!
 I mean...could she be any more perfect for me? The shade that was on it in the shop was sold separately, and almost 100 dollars for some reason, so I left it there and put on this shade I got from Travis' grandmother.
 The paws are a little creepy. They are flesh tone with red nails, and almost look like human hands! Ha! She says "Elmer 1975 Key West" on the bottom. Thanks for doing such a good job with this lamp Elmer!
 In other news, I got Travis to get this big window in our living room to open (most of our windows are painted shut. ugh) We've been opening it up for the cats for the last few days and they are loving it! Scampi will sit there for hours!


  1. Sooooo cute! And that shade is perfect. Wow, those human hand paws!

  2. I think that lamp screamed (or barked) your name...totally perfect for you!

  3. I am getting flashes of some movie from my childhood where the characters hands swell and they have red nails. that is the vibe I am getting...I will likely be up all night trying to remember what those paws remind me of

    1. whenever i think of red nails i think of the hands with the creeeeeepy long red nails turning the year book pages on the credits of 21 jump street!

  4. That is perfect for your already adorable home. I loved the painted nails. LOL!

    Nestled in Nostalgia

  5. All the windows in our old place were painted shut, and one time (when the smoke alarm was going off) Curtis tried to open one and the window broke! Be careful with those painted-shut windows!

    1. omg! thanks for the tip! i didn't even think of that.

  6. Oh, I think that lamp shade goes with it beautifully! And I love that his hands are human-like AND painted red. And also, that I think of the lamp as a "him" in spite of it being a poodle and with varnished nails. Good job, I think this is just the lamp for you!!

    1. you know, he is more of a him to me too. i think i'll call him elmer after his creator.

  7. That lamp is so you! Love it. I do not allow myself to go into Pangaea anymore because it is ALWAYS expensive. I always want to spend a ton.

  8. That sounds dangerous to have painted shut windows.

    But the lamp is perfect & definitely looks male!

  9. Oh. Em. Gee. That lamp is perfection!! Congrats on a killer score!

  10. The lamp is gorgeous! Love it and the peek into your home :)

  11. It really is prefect for you! Love the lamp shade that you put on it too!


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