Monday, November 25, 2013

Teeny Estate Sale Haul

Woah! How did I let it go over a week without posting? Nothing exciting has been going on around here. Mostly I've been watching lots of Star Trek and Derek on Instagram and trying to keep warm. Travis put one of the Christmas trees up for me, so soon I'm sure I'll be back with a million vintage Christmas posts! I can't WAIT to pull all my decorations out. I've tucked a bit away throughout the year and there are always a few cute things I've forgotten about.
In other news, I've really been in the mood to hit the estate sales lately. Which is a bummer because the season is winding down and the listings have been pretty lame the past few weeks. Out of the ten sales listed, two might look worth a stop. But last week I went out to a few houses and was rewarded with a few cool things.
 This house looked promising from the outside. I wish I had gotten a more pulled back photo. It is a really pretty little ranch!
I went in the early afternoon on the first day and it was already pretty picked over. But that terrifying thing on the bookshelf was still there! Believe it or not, I didn't bring that home.
Look at the pink drapes and the mural! I just KNOW there was a pastel tile bathroom or two in there, but they had most of the rooms blocked off. I ALMOST asked if I could see them. But I wondered if that was too weird. "Can I see the bathrooms in here? I want to take photos of them for my personal collection."

I always like a cat painting. It is a good thing my walls are pretty full already.
I spent a while digging through these in the garage. They are so fun to look at, but I didn't bring any home. Though I was very tempted by one featuring a cover photo of Mrs. Baker, the space monkey. We have visited her grave before. People go and leave bananas.
Here is the little pile of stuff I brought home. I needed a small funnel and I can't pass up a storage jar. Or a platter it seems.
I didn't have any spun head angels like these, so I couldn't resist! I like their colors, and their silver hair!
I had a kitty similar to this that my real cats broke that I always loved. So this little guy with his yarn ball is now in a place of honor on my bookshelf!
This little plastic elephant was too cute to ignore too. I put him on the ledge in my kitchen, which is red, white, and turquoise themed. The little angels were tucked in that baby shoe box.
I picked up a few records. I always get musical soundtracks (I recently purged our collection and had to get rid of THREE extra copies of My Fair Lady! Ha!) I think the Basil Rathbone reads Edgar Allan Poe record will be fun to listen to next Halloween! And then let's talk about "Colonel Sanders' Tijuana Picnic." I just couldn't pass that gem up! It is just a bunch of songs that sound like Herb Alpert, but vaguely on theme of a picnic.
It comes with the Colonel's "Famous"picnic menu. Travis suggested we throw a Tijuana Picnic in the spring. I think it has to happen. Look at that track list! There is a little explanation for each track that say things like "El Garbanzo" because the Colonel uses garbanzo beans in his three bean salad!" or "A Taste of Honey" because of a man who comes into KFC and needs honey for his biscuits! It is delightful.
I bought some how to draw cats books too. Why? I don't know. They were cute!
I like how UN-helpful the directions in this one are.
And I like how the precious owner stapled this little magazine clipping in the back. I hope she ended up drawing it! Or painting it!
And last but not least this strange little mobile made of chenille and googly eyes and pine cones. It was hanging above the sink in a newer duplex kind of house. It was special enough to the owner to move into her new house, it wasn't some weird little thing tucked away in a "30 plus years accumulation" house! I had to hang it up high in my craft room because...
The cats just can't resist it! I hung it from our dining room light when I brought it home and Murray and Scampi were out there batting it within two minutes!
Have you found anything good lately? Or are the sales winding down everywhere. I can't wait for spring!

Linking up to Thriftosaurus and Nifty Thrifty this week! I feel like its been forever since I have been able to join a linky!


  1. I have the same little container, it's got measurements on the side :) And I would have definitely picked up The Colonel's record, too! I almost bought a Menudo record for Kimmie Jones a couple weeks ago ha ha!
    Rae, I am so excited that you're gettin the Christmas spirit this year. You have the cream of the crop when it comes to a "very vintage Christmas" and I spend too much time swooning over it all. This is our first year in our home and we've already got 4 trees up!! Last year we moved in on the 22nd of December and even though the tree was literally set up before the boxes even started arriving we just couldn't do it up right..... So excited! And you're gonna be, too ;)

    Those angels are so friggin cute!

    1. i can't wait to see! four trees!! i want to get a bigger tree this year, but i'm waiting for the after christmas sales. i guess i'll have a bigger tree NEXT year.

  2. U find the most amazing stuff I swear I'd pay to tour your home. I really want to find some estate sales around here I have to get all my vintage via etsy and it's pricey. I'm dying 4 a color wheel 4 our silver tree

    Urban hounds
    Ps the oatmeal dog cartoon makes me cry too

  3. I think it was Shara from Monkeybox that had a Colonel Sanders Christmas album on her blog the other day...and now here he is at a picnic! I used to work for KFC in high school so a soft spot for the Colonel. Fun finds and love the child's shoe box that the angels came in!

    1. oh man i'll have to keep a lookout for the christmas record! i really want a colonel sanders bank, but have never come across one "in the wild."
      i thought of you when i saw the box!

  4. Replies
    1. i will forever think of you whenever i see something made with chenille and googly eyes.

  5. I love that this persons interests include magazine hoarding, fried chicken and kitty art! Sounds like a fun guy

  6. I love the angels! I think that is a complete set, unless there should be one more red one. I also think the Elephant is an old ornament. Is there a broken spot where a hook was at the top? I think I've seen him on x-mas trees before. Very cute! I haven't been to a sale in several weeks. I'm about having a heart attack over here now that I have all my Christmas boxes hauled out. It appears that I added waaaaaaaaaay too much to my collection this year.
    I'm gonna have to sell stuff!
    Thanks for sharing Rae!
    Erica :)

    1. i think there MIGHT be another red one, because it seems like there should be two holding little trees, since there are two empty handed and two holding candles. AND there is totally a spot on top that was probably broken off! you are right!

  7. I love the little angels, I have a set just like those however mine are not nearly as colorful and pretty as yours, and mine don't have that wonderful silver hair.

  8. The Colonel Sanders album cover is just so retro, love it!!

    I would have spent a lot of time going through those magazines, I always have to look at them.....and buy a few...

  9. Adorable house and a nice haul considering. I love that little kitty and the mobile!

  10. Want to hear that Col Sanders record, stat. PS OMG THAT HOUSE...that mural! I bet they DID have pastel bathrooms, but I would have been too scared too ask, too.

  11. I hate to tell you this but your how to draw cats book is not useful at all LOL

    You found some really cute things though!

  12. Yup, I wanna hear that Col Sanders record, too. I'm going to scour the internet, also now that magpie says there's a Christmas one, too.

    Love that little elephant, good find! My ex used to steal cat books from Chapters. Once he stole this weird erotic cat painting book. People painted their cats & painted themselves... nude. V weird!

  13. Ok, what the hell is that thing in the shelf?!'s oddly charming and terrifying all at the same time. I'm a bit disturbed...
    Anyway, great finds! That mobile is the best!

  14. There is one two houses down from us, that has been slowly going for the last three weekends. I went the first weekend, bought a box of ceramic dogs to add to my collection. I went again yesterday and got all the old sewing patterns. My daughter and I poured over them last night and picked out our favorites. I think we will go back today to look in the back room that is full of fabric. For $1 we can stuff a bag and now we have some sewing projects to do, that price is unbeatable!


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