Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Living Room at Christmas

We spend most of our time at home in our living room. And of course it's the hardest room to photograph in our home. One day I'll get over apologizing for how photos of it turn out, but I had to let you know!
Here is the view from the door. That is Travis' medical collection in the white cabinet on the left. And our sweet scratching post on the right. You can spot our Hank Williams bust in there too!
A little closer. That little train case is full of the pugs clothes. Can you spot our color wheel? I'm so happy we finally got one last year. It makes the pom pom tree even prettier!
Speaking of the pom pom tree! This thing is one of my favorite finds EVER! I feel like it was meant for me! It was left on the third day of an estate sale, pristine in the box for almost nothing! The balls belonged to Travis' grandmother. How perfect is it that she just had them in our wedding colors! I've broken THREE red ones this year! Ugh!
The cookie jar Santa by the lamp is Travis' grandmother's too. He loves it. I had my karaoke cds out because I had a little karaoke get together this past weekend. Sorry I forgot to put it a way for pics! I love hanging up as many stockings as I can fit on our mantle! The two on the right were made by Travis and I for each other when we were dating.
Pine comb gnomes! I added a couple to my collection this year. The box in the back is a drawer from Travis' other grandmother's sewing table. And that awesome card is from Eartha Kitsch! Her husband made them and I LOVE it! I'm going to put it out every year!
Santa mugs of course. And that gorgeous plastic feature/celluloid reindeer creation.
Vintage Christmas photos stuck all around of course. I've added a few great vintage photo cards this year, I'll have to show you soon!
Even my monkey tail got in on the decorating!
The built in gets a little love too. The bottom shelf stays Harry Potter year round though. Duh.
Top shelf a little closer. That match box on the left is one of my favorite things. Someone decorated it with felt and sequins.
And nothing says Christmas like a felt faced jar full of old candy!
Behind the couch we have a beautiful sequined card holder! I pulled that out of a garage at an estate sale last year. And someone recognized me from my blog because I was dorking out over that tacky thing! Ha! I couldn't resist putting a hat on our 1970 fox dude, too. I like to pretend he is caroling. (My love of vintage taxidermy still stands friends, I hope I'm not creeping you out!)
Travis put that little elf on the frame and it made me laugh. I love it when he tucks little figures away like that for me to find.
Phyllis, her first Christmas with us. We took her to see Santa at Petsmart and her little worried face makes me laugh every time!
And here we are all cozy with a fire! This was very early in the process, I definitely got some more height going on the mantle. I had to show you the fire though, and our cute owls with marble eyes!
It's Christmas Eve and I'm probably at work when you're reading this. I hope you are cozy at home with the ones you love! We're going to my in-laws house tonight to hang out with our nephew on his first Christmas! Have a good one everybody!


  1. Everything looks soooo pretty! I had no idea that you own a ...monkey tail! Holy moly. You made the Mister and me smile by displaying our card. I hope that y'all have a great Christmas! :)

  2. Merry Christmas Rae! Your house is a feast for the eyes xx

  3. I love your cozy den! I can't handle it when people have a minimalist approach to decorating because my eyes wander and I love to look at everything. Your house keeps me busy and I LOVE IT!

  4. I always enjoy peeking into a holiday house. We all go after the same vintage things, but we all have our own spin on display! Yours is ever so festive. I love my color wheel too...the tree just pops with it!
    happy holidays

  5. I always enjoy peeking into a house for the holidays. We all collect the same sort of thing, but each house differs with how we display it our what treasures we hold dear. Looks mighty festive and love the tree with the color wheel.
    happy holidays!

  6. I do love taxidermy with santa hats. Your house is amazing...so fun! Merry Christmas!

  7. It's like a step-back in time ... I love it!
    Merry Christmas!

  8. Your house is so cozy, I love that wall paper!

  9. golly gosh I can't get over how much amazing stuff you have! I simply adore your trees! and I LOVE the plastic reindeer thingo with the feathers- so kitsch and good!

  10. your house is just so beautiful

    retro rover

  11. I am so jealous of your Hank Williams bust, your aluminum Christmas tree (really wish i had not sold mine on ebay) your taxidermy, your owls in the fire place... ok I guess everything lol Hope you had a good Christmas. Did you ever get the chipmunk?

  12. I absolutely love your living room. Completely and totally LOVE it.


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