Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Rare Bird Antique Mall

I don't go to many of the local antique malls with the frequency I used to. I prefer the prices at estate sales or the flea market. BUT there is one place here that I LOVE. It is Rare Bird. It is located in Goodletsville, about a 20 minute drive from our house in South Nashville.
Last time I was there I came back and looked at this guy three different times. I loved the little metallic detail in the corners. And he is so cute! I still might have to go back and add him to my photo collection.
I was hoping for lots of vintage Christmas (like I need one more thing!) but this booth was really the only one with anything out! I talked to the owners and they didn't thing much more would show up. Such a bummer.
One of the best things about Rare Bird is the TONS of vintage packaging and NOS they have! The front of the store is set up like a general store, with different sections for food/cleaning/beauty supplies! All that old packaging looks so good together!
 You could stock a vintage vanity for sure at this shop! Look at all the cute pin cards!
They had a bunch of these little deadstock dresses. How adorable is that? Can you see the little ponies around the skirt?
If you are nearby or coming to town I highly suggest Rare Bird! It is a little drive out of town, but worth it! The staff is amazing too! Very helpful and seem to know where everything is in the big mall!


  1. So sad I didn't make it over here during my trip to Nashville! I collect old packaging/bobby pin cards so I'm drooling over the photos! It's wonderful that you have something like this so close to you. :)

  2. Love the photos. Rare Bird looks like a fun place to browse!!

  3. that place looks like paradise! Honestly I wish I could move to Nashville but Im firmly stuck in NYC. Also thanks for your advice about my blog I did combine them and Im so happy I did!

    retro rover

  4. That place is my JAM! Even with antique store prices, I usually find something I can't live without, and if not, it's fun just to look. You took such great pictures of the joint! :D

  5. Gorgeously curated booths, I love seeing packaging grouped together and collecting it. Flea Markets/Estate Sales often have the better deals but antique malls will often host the more droopingly amazing finds.

    1. every time i'm there I wonder how the vendors FIND all that amazing dead stock stuff! it is always full!

  6. All that new old stock is pretty cool. We don't see that kind of stuff around here, especially not in that good of condition.

    1. i really wish i could ask the vendor where they get all that stuff! there is SO MUCH in that place.

  7. I just went there for the first time last month. It was SO much bigger than I was expecting. It is a great place!

  8. We are going to Nashville next November for about a week and I'm going to need a list of all of your favorite places to shop!

    1. yes!! i will give you a list and you better make a little time to hang out with me. at least go to dinner or something!

    2. omg yes!!! that would be amazingggg. we have to take steven to mellow mushroom, he's never been!!!

  9. White Christmas tree looks awesome. The way the things are arranged looks beautiful...

  10. you won my blog giveaway. Send me an address where I can mail the chipmunk picture too thanks

  11. this looks so amazing! i will have to stop by sometime to ogle the vintage packaging, for sure.

  12. That's my faaaaaaavorite place. You KNOW I go apeshit over all of those deadstock products. The lady at the counter told us that the person who runs that booth bought out an entire old store. I don't know if it's true...but that's what she said. :)


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