Friday, January 3, 2014

Flea Finds

Here are the few little things we picked up at the December flea. I was looking at a pile of Christmas stuff from one guy and he was like "Take it ALL for 50 cents!" It was mostly garbage, but I got this little bit. The angel is so pretty! And that little sequined mitten.
We found this gem to go with our Colonel Sanders Tijuana Picnic record from earlier this year. Doesn't he look sweet sleeping by the stockings? It looks like there is also a Christmas Day record. I'm on the lookout!
Travis found these for me. I have a THING for aluminum measuring spoons. I have a bunch and use them all the time. I don't have a set like this though. I don't know what it is about them, I can never resist!
And of course, the photo pile. One of my goals this year is to get all of my photos into albums or on my photo wall. I have probably 200 loose photos tucked all over the house.
Some highlights include: This group in costumes with powdered hair.
This guy with his leg thrown causally over the fence.
One of the sweetest little pups I've ever seen! Look how he's sitting up, with his little eyes closed!
And score! Some old photo christmas cards! I LOVE these and display a bunch on my wall every year. These are so good! Notice the little girl in the top one has a TINY beer stein to match her parents.
And what is not to love about this one? I might steal this idea for our Christmas card next year!


  1. That angel is soooo pretty! He cute little face, love it!

  2. Photo Christmas cards- those are so neat!!

    That really is a sweet angel!

  3. You always choose the best photos, I get such a kick out of 'em when you post them! The powdered wig one is my favorite-- "Quick! Clem! Take a picture of us all together in our wigs!" Did you see the guy in the kilt in the background? Good finds, gal!

  4. That reminds me, I need a new set of measuring spoons. My plastic ones have been through the garbage disposal one too many times. Hopefully I can find a set that are as cool as yours!
    And great additions to your photo collection!

  5. Hope you are coping okay with your cold weather.


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