Monday, March 10, 2014



watching: At this exact moment, Ghostbusters 2. I'm so happy that RuPaul's Drag Race started two weeks ago! So far I'm into Adore Delano, BenDeLaCreme, Milk, and Courtney Act.
A few days ago I went to our local drag club, Play, to see season 6 contestant Gia Gunn! She is so gorgeous in person! I didn't get to meet her (the show didn't start until 1 am and I had to drag myself home at 3 before it was over) but I'm glad I went. Any other Drag Race fans out there? Who are you into this season?

thinking about: Our vacation in July. Which is too far away to be thinking about! But I just can't wait to spend a week at the beach with our best friends. July can't come soon enough! Also, I get four weeks of vacation time this year, and Travis just gets two. I'm wondering if I should take a little solo trip somewhere. 
anticipating: Two nights of Weezer in April! Oh my GOSH I was freaking out when these shows got announced and could't sleep the night before they went on sale. I even had a dream about it last night! A friend is hosting a "Preezer" (pre-weezer) party before the first night and we're going to make all Weezer themed food. So far I've thought of making Pink Triangle cookies and "I'll Bring Home the Turkey if You'll Bring Home the Bacon" sandwiches. It's going to be so amazing! I will probably cry, more than once. I'm sure you'll get a nostalgic how much I love weezer post before the shows. Did I ever tell that the first time I ever talked to Travis was the first time I saw Weezer live, back in 2002? An auspicious beginning. 

working on: Purging stuff. I said this in January and thankfully I'm still doing it! Last week I deep cleaned my craft room and threw away 4 bags of trash and took 3 big boxes to Goodwill! Travis has been taking my piles of books and cds to McKay's, a local place that actually gives you decent money for your used stuff. We used the credit to get an iPad and a Kindle! Both are old models but that works for me! Next I am going to tackle our front room. It is FULL of boxes and bags and has been that way for more than two years. I keep saying I'll share before pictures on here to make me work on it, but it's too embarrassing! But it feels so good to go in my newly clean and organized craft room. Maybe I'll even sew again!
listening too: The Snap Judgement podcast. I used to occasionally catch it on our local NPR station but recently started downloading it. I LOVE it! If you like This American Life you should give it a chance. It has a similar format of stories on a theme each week. Don't tell Ira, but I think I might like Snap Judgement a little better! 
loving: Beyond Meat Feisty Crumbles. Fellow vegans/vegetarians you have to get on this! I already liked their fake chicken strips but the crumbles are even better! I've never been a fan of any mock ground beef and would have rather just gone without. But saute a bag of this up,add some Frank's Red Hot and I'm salivating! Taco night at my house will never be the same. We have been making the Pinto Beans with Ancho Chili Sauce from this cookbook (which I highly recommend!). I am setting a limit of once every two weeks, or I might be having it every night. 

Also, Travis and I have been making it a point to spend time together at home not just with the tv on, and both of us looking at computers. (That is part of the reason for my internet absence lately.) A few nights ago we played this game, Go For Broke, that I bought at an estate sale. The goal is to be the first to spend $1,000, 000! It was really fun! We also recently did a puzzle which was fun until the end. All we have left is a bunch of trees and I'm over trying to make those vague leaf patterns!
reading: Today I finished book 24 of my 100 books in 2014 goal! I had to call out of work because of ice last week (the first time ever!) and I laid in bed and read an entire book, start to finish! It felt so indulgent! I used to do that all the time during summer breaks. 

And bonus, here is my favorite instagram post lately. My friend brought her baby over and Travis and he matched! Travis always seems to match our nephew (it's all the plaid) but who knew he would match a baby wearing a fluffy pink bear suit! Look at those cuties.


  1. I am such an old lady. If it was anyone from season 1-4, I would have made myself kick my old lady inclinations and go to Play past my bedtime....but I havent seen all of the last couple seasons so I am not super attached. Also, tell me more of the preezer party!!!

  2. Yay! Two nights of Weezer sounds heavenly. They didn't tour Australia for 16 years before they came in Jan of 2013, so it was my first time seeing them. They played the entire Blue Album along with their favourite songs from every other one. I cried many times. I hope you have a ball at both the concert and the 'Preezer' party. Sounds awesome.

  3. I love that little pug pouch, are older pugs would never tolerate I have never had it work with anything but puppies

    retro rover

  4. I showed my mom your little pug pouch and she about died. She wants one so bad now!
    And I'm so excited for you to see Weezer!!! It's going to be awesome. Pink triangle cookies- Genius! I'm not as big of a fan as you, but I do love that band! When I was like, 13 or 14 (crap, 15 years ago), I saw them with No Doubt and Suicide Machines at Red Rocks Amphitheater. It was THE MOST AMAZING SHOW! I've been to a lot of shows since then, and that one is still in my top five.

  5. That cutie-patootie baby pug in a little saddle cuuute! ALSO, so excited season 6 is up and running! Ru is looking particularly devastating so far, I about died over last week's episode's gown. How cool is it they split the premiere into two parts so you have SOME idea of what each of the queens' personalities are like? I kind of love Trinity K. Bonet, Courtney Act, and Ben DelaCreme (equally supporting the fishiest and the campiest girls, naturally). ALSO ALSO, I need to try those feisty crumbles! Great update!! :D

  6. Drag Race is the best. I live too far from anywhere decent to see a show. So jealous!


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