Monday, March 24, 2014

The March Flea!

I'm on a roll so far this year and haven't missed the Nashville Flea Market yet! I'm not sure how my resolve will hold up once it gets hot and humid, but for now, I'm loving it! This past Saturday was the nicest flea weather in a while! Travis and I also didn't have any pressing obligations until much later in the day so we had plenty of time to browse. Here are some of the sights we saw: 
I'm actually working on cleaning out my front room so I can make my wild west guest room dream come true. I was very tempted by this photo.
 This guy had a table full of cool old circus ephemera! And that great Johnny Cash photo.
 I always love these decals! It makes me want to bring home a big crib, though what the heck would I do with it? Maybe the pugs need a new bed....haha, just kidding Travis!
That sweet little tiny is an "eternal match"! That little knob pulls out and it has a wick on the end. You strike it on the steel strip on the side and it lights! I wanted it, but left it behind. Not before bringing home three other tiny things from this booth.
 We went down an aisle I don't usually include on my route and found a whole booth full of vintage salt and pepper shakers! Travis claims they are always there. I was totally overwhelmed and had a hard time choosing what to get! They had so many I've been wanting!
A box full of the cutest vintage cards! Though 3 for a dollar was a pretty steep asking price if you ask me!
 Something about that little weird horse was appealing to me.
 I hadn't ever seen this brand before, and I love that lid! Not enough to pay $115 bucks though.
 Some of the weirdest embroidery I've ever seen. Are they kissing? Or just awkwardly placed?
 And this booth had all the prettiest pyrex, as usual. The prices are HIGH so I've never bought any, but I love looking. I'd love to have that pink gooseberry set!
 Here is what we came home with, minus the marlin thermometer (that is from an estate sale, I'll tell you about it soon) and Travis got another knife or two with his birthday money.
 The shakers I picked. I couldn't resist the haunted eyes of the dogs! And I've been wanting some anthropomorphic veggie guys for a while! I actually need a new shelf for my shaker collection, I've filled up the four I have!
 I bought the guy on the left at the flea, the lady on the right I've had for a year or two. The little frames are mirror. The one the left is just a mirror on the back and I wonder if a lady kept it in her purse to check her make up and look at her sweetheart. I thought they made a nice pair, and those are my two favorite colors!
 I'm on the lookout for vintage barettes but don't find them often. And that kiss timer is a brooch! Isn't it cute? You can flip it and the sand runs out! Haha, I hadn't ever seen another like it! The charm on the bracelet spins too, the other side has Robert Kennedy.
 Travis got this little red cross sewing kit for his medical/red cross collection.
 And of course my photos from the flea. Not a huge haul, people were asking more than usual for them this month. I found some gems though.
 Including this 8x10 of some little bitty poodles performing in the circus!
 i would have passed this one up, Travis pointed it out to me. Do you see what is on their oar? A little beaver! I'm so glad he looked closely and saw it!
 The flea was pretty good to us this month! April should be great too! And it will be right around my birthday!
Here are some gratuitous cat photos. Scampi and Murray can't resist posing whenever I have stuff out on the kitchen table. Look at those beautiful blue eyes!


  1. You have so many fascinating things in your house. It would be like living in a museum with a surprise around every corner.

  2. I havent been in months!! I was supposed to go with Jamie sunday but got sick. Let's go next month! I am on the lookout for some bathroom wall hangings. I feel like the flea will deliver.

  3. The pink and white bowl set, we have one very very similar (slightly different pattern I think) and it's avocado green and white :)

  4. I love the market pictures. The Rescuers book looks awesome. I love the tomato s&p shakers and the kiss timer brooch. Well done, lady!

  5. oh wow I love everything you picked up! that thermometer is just great- I collect quirky/tacky vintage thermometers :-D the salt and pepper shaker stall looks so dreamy!

  6. I've never seen the salt and pepper shaker table either! aaaah, I would go crazy over it. I didn't go this month but a lot of times you post things and then I see them the next month! :) I almost bought the second copy of that cute kids' book you got with the sailor raccoon last month!


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