Thursday, May 22, 2014

Wedding Weekend! Travis' first time officiating!

 Two of our dear friends got married this past weekend and asked Travis to officiate the ceremony! He got ordained through the internet a few years ago, but hadn't gotten to perform a ceremony yet. (He may have spent some time dreaming of a mobile wedding chapel where you could get married by a Johnny Cash or Elvis impersonator). The wedding was rainbow themed, which is amazing!
Here we are, all gussied up! I wish I had gotten a full body shot. I was wearing my beach bash dress which is so cute! The other men in the wedding wore different colored suspenders and converse so Travis was the rainbow in the middle. Ignore his awkward face, haha.
 Travis gets his hair cut a Red's Barbershop downtown and Hunter, who cuts his hair styled it for him for the wedding. I'm in love! I asked Travis if he thought he'd be able to recreate it, and he said "there was a lot of blowdrying". So I guess not.
They had the wedding at the bride's parent's house. I love that air stream. When they have big bonfires they let people spend the night in it.
 I loved all the rainbow flowers!
 Travis and the groom going over the ceremony one last time. 
 Here they are waiting for the ceremony to start. Nova posted this link about unplugged weddings recently and it really spoke to me. I am definitely guilty of snapping away during a ceremony and while the article is mostly about guests inadvertently ruining shots for the professional photography the couple is paying to capture their day, it also speaks to just enjoying the moment and taking it in without the distraction of technology. So that is what I did. The ceremony was short (that is what they wanted) and I was so proud of Travis. He started with that famous "Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam... " and went on to some sweet vows. I love weddings and pretty much always cry.
 One more of Travis' cute hair  (and face!) Look at that rainbow boutonniere! 
 The reception went until at least 1:30 am (that is when we left, but I'm not sure how much longer it went). The famous Kimmie of That Girl in the Wheelchair fame was there. Here she is with her main squeeze Jamie doing a great candid/not candid pose. There was also a mashed potato bar. Which is the best idea! And there was a wagon full of pop corn! And fun sodas in bottles!
 The dancing was kicked out with the bride and groom dancing to "You Never Can Tell" from Pulp Fiction. Then it never stopped! I danced, HARD for at least four and a half hours. I woke up the next morning barely able to move, with my voice almost gone, and blisters on my toes but it was worth it! I'm not a great dancer, but I love to get down with friends. My favorite part of any wedding!
I also love the wedding trend of photo booths. I wish we had one at our wedding! Here are some of my favorite frames from the strips I was in! Congrats to Bethany and Nathan on their wedding! I know you  have many years of love ahead of you!


  1. I love Travis's hair, and you must tell me the color of your lipstick. It looks fabulous!

    1. it is a cruella lip pencil by Nars! I LOVE IT! And i'm not good at putting on lipstick, but the pencil makes it easy!

  2. YAY! I am so glad you wrote about it. Their wedding was seriously one of the most fun that I have ever attended...and I have A LOT of fun friends! I think because it was laid back and everyone was genuinely happy. Also, the playlist was top notch. I could barely drive home I was so sore from shaking my ass! Also, thanks for not including the picture where Jamie has a weird camel toe...even though it is my favorite picture ever.

    1. oh my god i was SO SORE! i had a hard time going to bed because my feet hurt so bad! but worth it!

  3. I love Travis's hair! And the rainbow suspenders. Pretty sure I had a pair in high school. Looks like everyone had a great time.

  4. I love when Ryan comes home from Victory barbershop, a nice tight haircut on the right man...heck yeah.

    1. yes! i've been making it a point to tell him how much i love it in hopes that he won't buzz it all off this summer.

  5. Looks like an AMAZING wedding - how great that you could be such a big part of it. And love the fact you partied so hard you ached the next day!! :)

  6. That wedding looks so fun! Isn't dancing the very best?!! I don't care what skill level people are; EVERYONE should be out on the floor. I'm also glad to know that there are wedding receptions that carry on into the wee hours (like the movies). As a rule, receptions in CA wrap up by 11-1130. Again, once I start dancing it is hard to get me to stop.

  7. What an amazing little wedding
    love the brides boots xx

  8. omg could you guys get any cuter? looks like a fun time


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