Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The World's Longest Yard Sale!

It's that time of year again! Time for the world's longest yard sale! This is our third year attending the 127 sale. You can check out previous years if you click the "world's longest yard sale" tag. This year we just went for one day since we had just gotten back from vacation. It was still awesome!
Like last year we just stopped in spots that had tons of vendors. That way we only had to find parking about 5 times.
 I have never seen this cute old Pluto toy, then we saw it three times this one day! It is from the 1930's and from Fisher Price. You pretty much have to be holding it to make it stand up though.
 I always love tombstone salt and pepper shakers.
 I really love crochet watermelon pot holders. I have a few hanging in our kitchen. I kind of wish I had bought this bundle. There is just something about them!
Along the route there are all kinds of food stands. I really wanted a spiral potato like we got last year, but we never saw a stand for one. I DID get some shaved ice! Yum! I got "tiger blood" flavor. It was good! And turned my mouth totally red. A good look I assure you.
 I almost bought this dog food. I did buy the little pile of Christmas in the above photo, don't worry. 
 I would have loved to bring this pennant home, but they wanted 30 dollars. 
 I've found myself really drawn to vintage souvenirs lately. Well, more so than I always have been. I was tempted by those little orange guys! I DID get that Reptile Land plate in the back.
 This year we decided to drive down to Chattanooga to start the route. Partly because we could head north from there and end up close to home. Partly so we could have lunch at Sluggo's in Chattanooga. Home of the Culture Club, our favorite vegan sandwich.
 I was tempted by this little kitchen, and by this "bear."
 Travis making a beeline to "military antiques". The guy selling them was asking crazy prices though!
 This little skate jacket was killing me! Robert went to the American Amateur Artistic Skating Championships!
 I kind of wish I had offered the seller 5 bucks and put the patches on one of my coats!
 Oh ET! I wanted to get this guy. But then I picked him up and he was SOAKING wet! Like someone had used him as a sponge! So I left him behind.
You know I took a ton of photos. So I'll show you some more tomorrow!


  1. I've always wanted to go! I can't wait to see what you brought home!

  2. That monkey bank is both scary and adorable

  3. I bought that dog food canister! It's in my booth right now. Hahaha! I took my mother and we shopped hard for 3 days.

  4. My grandma used to have that Indian in the last picture


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