Thursday, October 23, 2014

Costumes of Halloweens Past

I love Halloween! While plotting and planning for my costume this year I started looking through some photos of past costumes and thought it would be fun to share some of them! Starting with the witch costumes Crystal and I wore on a hike in the Smokey Mountain National Park.
We always dressed up as kids and I swore I had lots of photos, but I could only find this one. My brother and I as lions. My uncle Lonnie made these!
One year I was Brody Dalle from the Distillers. Fake tattoos drawn on and all.
Another time I was Stephen Colbert. With Harry Potter glasses.
One time Travis and I dressed as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle dumb. It was for our Mad Tea Party, but I think it counts. Another random night I dressed up as a pirate at Crystal's house. There are a LOT of silly pictures from that night.
There were a couple years where we dressed up as zombies all the time. I still have a makeup kit full of flesh colored latex and blood gel and fake wounds. I almost always did the slit throat.
Haha, there are a lot of portraits of us dressed up like this smiling.
Then I was a fox. I couldn't find a full body shot. I had a tail.
One year Crystal and I both dressed up as Miss Argentina from Beetlejuice. I love this green foundation! I kinda wish it wasn't freaky to wear it all the time.
We wore these costumes to the zombie walk. People kept asking if I was Avatar. UGH!
The next year I reused that face paint and did a witch thing. Travis wears that skeleton body suit whenever he can't think of anything else.
And last year I was a vulcan. Since Travis was Spock. Yowza!
Halloween is the best! I hope the costume I have in mind words out this year! What is your favorite costume you ever wore? I wanna see!


  1. I can't wait to see what you come up with this year. I have mine all together and am SUPER excited about it. Jamie is going to look fantastic! I think my favorite ever was when I was Punky Brewster in 1st grade. My mom made me a denim vest with a heart on it and drew freckles on my face. I wish I could find a picture because it was SOOOOO spot on. I think that began my love of the holiday because I started to dress like things I loved instead of just traditional halloween things (The next year I was a puppy because I had just gotten a cocker spaniel and was OBSESSED!) I would say my favorite costume as an adult was my mermaid. It turned out so good and I loved making it!

    1. I can't wait to see you guys this year!
      also, once I was a BOX of puppies! I made it from a tutorial in American Girl magazine. Very cool. I hope my parents at least have a photo of it.

  2. What app or program did you edit your photo with? It's awesome!

    1. Crystal did it! It wasn't an app, i think (forgive me, it was a few years ago) she followed a tutorial online that involved some photoshop actions?

  3. Hahaha funny costumes! I was a zombie last year and had such a blast, see pics here

  4. I can't believe you went as Brodie one year. You are so rad!


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