Monday, October 6, 2014

Narrows of the Harpeth

It was a beautiful weekend here in Nashville and we made the most of it by going on a hike this past Sunday. We went to the Narrows of the Harpeth. I have seen photos of it on social media (is that lame? no?) and always wanted to go. It was gorgeous!
This is the main thing I wanted to see. I thought it would be a hike to get there, but it only took about 10 minutes. The water is pretty low right now but it was still cool!
It was so fun to sit up on top of it! Travis and Marc climbed up the front, the rest of us went around and just walked up the stair-like rocks on the side. This is a photo of Crystal taking a selfie. Haha.
View from above the waterfall. We packed a lunch and it seemed kind of lame to eat if after we'd only "hiked" for ten minutes, but this seemed like the perfect spot. To bad you can't swim here!
We thought these rocks looked like coffins. Coooooooool.
Travis is down there throwing the biggest rocks he can into the water.
There was also a rock skipping competition. I forgot how to do it apparently.
After we walked back from the tunnel we walked up to the bluff. Both hikes were way easier than I was expecting.
Gorgeous view! Everyone was freaking out just because I slipped a little bit kind of close to the edge. It was fine!
We told him to pose like Sasquatch.
We found a creepy cave and crawled in of course.
We'll be back when it warms up to go canoeing here! It was such a nice place!
On the way back to town we passed a sign for a pumpkin patch. So of course we stopped. It was strange. No pumpkins to buy? But there were these awesome weird cut outs. Look at that scary thing!
I love these things.
Group photo! We were the only people there because the hay ride had just left. Worth it!
Our last stop was Joann's so Crystal could buy some vinyl. We got the boys to pose in front of these flowers outside. How cute are they? I feel like I need this as a poster.
What a fun day! We ended up at Crystal's house watching Idle Hands and drinking cider cocktails. Perfect.


  1. What a beautiful place! Nice pics

  2. When I saw your photo on IG (totally not lame), I died. This place is beautiful and nature is awesome! I showed Mary the photos (she is a diehard nature enthusiast) and said that I needed to go there...and then I asked if this was the kind if place I would attract a tick or a "stand by Me" leech; she said yes. And yet, I still want to visit! So cool!!!

    1. i don't know about leeches, but ticks for sure! but that isn't so bad! when you come to tennessee we'll take you!

  3. oh wow... when I went there the water was rushing out like crazy! it was loud and scary - I wouldn't even have tried to get close!

    1. every time i've seen pictures there is so much more water! it was a little anti climactic!

  4. That scarecrow picture is kind of terrifying because you and crystal's heads are just floating all willy nilly above the bodies. so weird.

    1. i know! they should have stapled them to the backdrop or something. so unsettling!

  5. Wow, very cool! Is that a natural formation?

  6. We have no rocks or fall foliage down here, I want to take a road trip to see leaves change color one day! Love the photos and the kitschy fun :D


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