Friday, November 28, 2014

Home By Way of Columbus

The time has come my friends.All good things must come to an end and we eventually had to come back home. We left Cleveland early-ish to start the trip home. It was supposed to take a little over 8 hours. We made a few pit stops of course.
Like at this field of corn in Dublin, Ohio! It is in the middle of an industrial park, so weird. Apparently it is a tribute to the inventor of hybrid corn. There are 109 ears. While we were there a girl about our age pulled up and proceeded to take corn selfies. It was a hot spot on Sunday morning.
We got to Columbus around lunch time and made our way to Dirty Frank's Hotdog Palace. What a place! What a town! We planned on just making a quick food stop but ended up staying for a few hours.
Everything about it was cute. I need that Freddie painting.
I got the picnic blanket. It was a veggie dog with slaw, baked beans, relish and crushed potato chips. Geeze! It was a little too much for me, I like stuff pretty plan usually, but it was good.
Travis loved it so much!
I  don't even remember what he got. He might be by soon to edit this post and tell you. Haha! He comes after me and fixes all my typos. A little behind the scenes for you!
We made our way to the Big Fun location in downtown Columbus so we could get another photobooth strip. Parking was awful and Travis dropped me off then took about 20 minutes to find a spot! It ended up being good though, because on the way back we found all kinds of cute shops to look in. It was such a nice day. I felt very happy and in love with life. And that Pee Wee sign.
Here is what we bought. I love the two photo strips we got this trip. And that Pee Wee fun pack was amazing! It temporary tattoos, a lenticular picture, sticks, a toy and an activity and every single thing was awesome! I wish I had bought a few more! The Addams Family cards were for Travis, obviously. He is obsessed. He keeps talking about getting a THIRD Addams Family tattoo.
We did some vintage browsing too. All I bought here was a little spun head guy. I wish I had bought this Elvis bust.
I heemed and hawed about buying this Life Magazine and now I wish I had! I haven't found it that cheap online. I need to see the Pee Wee party tips!!
More cute shops. Made the long walk to our car much more fun!
One shop had this awesome chicken machine, for a quarter you got an egg that had a button made with a vintage illustration! I got an owl and a squirrel! Made for me!
After we got back to the car we drove to 16 Bit, recommended to me by my buddy Jane Boston. It is a bar that is full of arcade games!
It was so fun! We had a bunch of quarters (I got a roll for tolls) but soon realized you didn't have to pay for most of the games! Really all you had to pay for was pinball. If we lived in town I'd love to come back. We didn't even end up getting drinks because it was early and we were about to get back on the road.
Travis loved the Simpsons game, and Time Crisis. We played Marble Madness too, it was so hard!
We got back on the road, and had about 6 hours left to go.
I got this at a coffee shop in Columbus. I love it! I need to find it somewhere around here.
We made great time until we got to Louisville and got stuck in stand still traffic! It made us too late to eat at Heart and Soy, which really is a tragedy. We finally got out of traffic, got pizza at Mellow Mushroom then high tailed it home. We got back at almost midnight and had to leave the pugs with my aunt another night. But for that, and the rain in Salem, our trip really went off without a hitch! I'm so thankful I have a partner who loves to go on trips like this with me. We had such a wonderful time, I can't wait for our next trip! We're thinking either Austin, Tx, or Portland and Seattle next fall!


  1. I LOOOOVE the Pee Wee stuff!!!! I would have felt so accomplished at the world's easiest corn maze that I probably would have taken a selfie or two as well. Hahahahaha!!!! You guys take the best road trips; I always take notes for future wacky tacky adventures! Thanks, pal!

    p.s. I read and reread each of my posts a million times and I still have typos and mistakes. You're so lucky to have a second set of eyes to proofread/edit. Way to go Travis!

    1. well Travis used to just point out my typos and it annoyed me so much i said "well why don't you just FIX them!" haha. it works out perfectly for me. I am the world's worst speller (and proofreader apparently!)

      I love pee wee so much. I always worry I have to much Pee stuff in my house. But can there be such a thing?

  2. Woosh! What an epic and awesome trip you guys had! I loved seeing your posts and officially want to see Columbus myself. :) I'd be delighted if you guys ended up visiting Seattle one day- my old home and forever beloved city.

    1. that is actually on our list! next year we're thinking of doing Seattle/portland/pacific northwest. or austin texas. haha.

  3. I'm just catching up on your adventures up north and DY-Y-Y-I-N-G. So many cool things! SO MANY COOL THINGS. Also, you can probably look at/photocopy that Pee Wee issue of Life magazine at the downtown library, they have Life magazine bound back to the thirties', I think. The NUMBER ONE THING I miss most about that job are the bound periodicals. :) I need to know how to throw a PWH approved cool party, so if you find out, do tell!!

  4. The Simpsons arcade game was my favorite game of all time. Me and my friends beat it on my birthday


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