Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Nashville Flea: February

It was pretty cold this month at the flea, but that can't keep me away! Tons of the regular vendors sat this one out but there was still fun stuff to see. I actually ended up going twice. Friday with my friends Crystal and Marc, then Saturday with Travis.
Other Nashville flea regulars, this is antique alley. It felt like no one was there!
I always stop for chalk ware and vintage photos.
Silly Santa helicopter. Kind of wish I had brought it home.
There was one big booth full of toys. I had that little Mickey wind up thing when I was little.
Tempted by this Muppets game. The board was so cute, but the game didn't look that fun.

Look at that diaper thing! I didn't notice this guy the second day. Did someone buy it?
Me getting punched. I thought that was obvious, but Travis thought I was just making a face.
I like that little electric washer.
Dream pets! I brought home two of them.
I saw a good amount of cute vintage Easter stuff. I love that little red and pink egg near the bottom. When you wind it up the chicks poke in and out. I bought something in this photo, can you guess what it is?
What a cool pile of Halloween stuff! It was so expensive!
Flea market fries. Perfect snack on a cold day. They were so HOT.
There's Travis! I don't think he bought anything, just traded some pocket knives for other pocket knives. That is his favorite thing to do at the flea.
Always attracted to toys.
This vendor had a bunch of cute old baby rattles. I love that little dog to the front right. He is Steiff though, so out of my price range.
Haha! This is one of those story dolls you flip upside down. The back of the wolf is Grandma, and it is Little Red Riding Hood when you flip it.
More super cute Steiff stuff. That lamb!
I already have this exact poodle/pug lamp. But I still walked past it multiple times thinking about buying it. It is so perfect! 
Look at this awesome towel! I want it! But I would want to use it and it would get ruined. Isn't in cute? I found one online for $235.
Speaking of beautiful things, look at this perfect lunchbox. The first day I didn't even ask the price because I was sure it would be too high. I asked the next day though, I couldn't stop thinking about it! Are you ready for this? He wanted ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS! At the flea market! I looked it up online and saw them for $1300. I don't know if that is what they usually go for, or it was just because Leonard Nimoy died that day. I'll just have to treasure this photo. It is so awesome!
We went to lunch at the Sunflower Cafe. They are under new management since the last time we went and it was yummy! I got a vegan BBQ sandwich, with a bean medley on the side. Mmmmm.

And I can't forget this cookie dough parfait! It is basically just raw vegan cookie dough. And it tastes amazing. I want some more now! After lunch we ran some errands then went to a showing of Big Hero 6 at the dollar theater. What a good day.


  1. I just love love love that pink bunny
    retro rover

  2. I think I need to go to the flea next month with you guys! I love the flea in the spring!!! I have some things I am on the lookout for.

  3. $1000! Wow. That's crazy. It is pretty great.

    Some great Mobley/Sun Arrow rubber toys in there, too. I totally had (have?) that Red Riding Hood flip doll!

  4. Looks like a great flea!! Thanks for all the eye candy!


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