Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas!

If you have been reading my blog for any number of years you might have been wondering where the traditional posts about my Christmas decorations are. Well, I didn't decorate this year. I've been in a bit of a funk and just didn't get to it. Thankfully I still made time for the pugs to see Santa. Look at them! Poor Priscilla, the Dalmatian didn't know how to hold her. A lady doesn't usually like her whole pink belly showing in her holiday photo.
Thankfully Travis has my back always and put up the aluminum tree and found our stockings. I have a few new decorations that I bought at the flea market last month, so I put those up too. Now that it is Christmas Eve I'm missing all the sparkle and kitsch, but ah well. Next year! Here are the most recent additions to my collection:
Just yesterday I wrapped all our gifts. Both our families are doing secret Santa this year, which is nice. It made my shopping list so much shorter! I bought three presents for our nephew though. It is too fun! // Early in the month we took the pugs to see Satan Claus at Hail, our local oddities shop. I love it!
My bff Crystal got me in our friend secret Santa and wrapped my gifts in a Weezer poster! Perfect! She got me such good things! Some Rilakkuma pens, a vintage Spock cling thing, a sequined pineapple patch, and a pug calendar that is all photos of old pugs! Fellow pug friends, look at it! So cute. // My cousin hosted a cookie making party last weekend. My grandmother had never decorated a cookie in her life! How crazy. I had a lot of fun and brought home a lot of cookies to eat.
Travis and I are both home for Christmas Eve. I used to be sad that our families don't get together for it anymore, but it is fun to celebrate by ourselves. I made tons of Christmas cookies (four kinds!) and decorated them while Travis made tamales for the first time! We just ate them and they were really good! I think we'll be adopting that tradition! We also had some Christmas cocktails and now we're watching the Muppet Christmas Carol. It has been a wonderful night.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday! If you need me, I'll be scrolling through the vintage christmas tag on my blog, pretending it is all up in my house this year!


  1. Hi Rae... I read your blog all of the time (it's my very favorite!) and I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in your Christmas non-decorating this year. I just didn't feel it either. We ended up with some lights strung around the living room ceiling, which is pretty cool, actually and a lighted wreath hung on the wall next them. We have two rescue kitties (brother and sister) that are about 6 months old and I KNEW they would knock the tree down over and over, so I basically used that as my excuse this year to not put up the tree. Whew! Didn't want anyone to think I'm the Scrooge, but just not into it. Sad thing is, I have three teenagers at home and I feel sorry for them, but maybe next year... Merry Christmas to you guys. :) ~Brooke in Oklahoma City

  2. I usually don't decorate at all for Christmas, this was my first year doing it. I put all the lights everywhere and loved it! Hopefully I'll have the same enthusiasm next year. I feel you on not wanting to though, sometimes meeeh, you just wanna relax and not deal with it.

  3. I didn't put up my aluminum tree but did put up the other one. I've never decorated a cookie either that I can remember. I also made my own wreath this year. Happy New Year


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