Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Woodland Craft Room Progress

after living here for over a year i've FINALLY started working on my craft room. it still doesn't feel finished but here are some pictures from what i've been working on so far. starting with the embarassing before pictures.

so this room is called the third bedroom but it's really a room you pass through to get to our bedroom. it had turned into kind of a catch all junk pile room, and i hated looking at it every day.

see? awful!

i got an expidit shelf and a cheap rug from ikea as a place holder until i find a rug i LOVE.

the shelves are so hard to organize! i haven't gotten it just right yet.

currently obsessed with framing old children's books for art.

a rail to keep stuff close at hand.

map to show where we've been. all together it doesn't look like we've been very far. 
hopefully we can remedy that later this year.

phyllis needs a special spot of course.

i bought this adorable 1950's game in knoxville. i think i'm going to hang it up in my room. 
woodland theme of course.


  1. hold up. wait a minute, i want to live in this room. i am in love with the forest friends game. so freakin' cute. and that cukoo clock i spy? exactly what i have been looking for for like two years. : ) love this room!

  2. i've been looking for a cukoo clock forever too! i got this one for a steal at the flea market. and it's also a weather house! it is perfection.


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