Monday, May 23, 2011

Storm Damage

so you know how there have been crazy storms destroying stuff all over the south lately? we got our share of it last night. thankfully it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

the window right behind the tree is our bedroom window, our bed is right against the window. i'm so happy the tree didn't fall in on us while we were sleeping.

i can't believe it! it didn't even wake us up. travis texted me at work to tell me because i didn't look in the backyard before i left for work. and somehow it didn't destroy anything, not the fence, or the grill or the neighbors tree or the power line that runs right next to it. travis is going to take it apart with some friends and haul it away soon. sad, because i really liked that tree. it was huge!

the girls are doing well too. priscilla had a followup vet visit, her ear infection moved into her other ear (but it's almost gone in the first ear! and i think she can hear!) and she has a respiratory infection that is down in her lungs. poor thing. but she is on some antibiotics and will hopefully be better soon.

phyllis is the same as always. a grumpy little thing. they are starting to play together which is almost unbearably cute. and now every morning when i go get them from their room they are cuddled up in the same bed. bffs.

and i planted some basil and it is actually growing!!! i hope i can get it to eatin' size!


  1. make sure to pull up the extra basil plants and move them as things grow more. those plants will strangle each other if they're too close as they grow.

  2. You were sleeping right there? My heavens but you guys were lucky! We have one tree that's leaning on some other trees and we hope that it doesn't go tonight. Y'all be safe out there this evening.

    p.s. your pups are the cutest. I hope that Phyllis' infections clear up real soon!


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