Monday, June 13, 2011

Bunny Rescue

i had a great day yesterday. as evident by this photo:

it started off with a trip to waffle house for some really greasy delicious food. we've been working opposite shifts at work lately so it was nice to go on a little date.

then crystal came over and we packed up her car for the photoshoot we were going to. our friend lauren is doing lots of shoots to build up her portfolio and asked crystal to model for her. i went along to hold things. and to kiss bunnies. now obviously i can't show you anything about the actual shoot (but i'm definitely going to link to the photos when lauren posts them! i really can't wait to see them) but i can show you some cute bunny faces.

made me wish i could have a bunny!

don't worry travis, i know five animals is enough.

some of these two week old babies got to be used in the shoot! SO CUTE!!

henny penny. the handsome rooster. i got to pet him! unexpectedly cute. he made it into some photos as well. he was very good at posing.

i could have sat in that bunny room all day!
but we had to do the shoot.

i held all of crystal's bracelets for her. i won the bff bracelet contest we started back in november.

prop pile.

got some bike shots in as the sun was setting. i bet they will be stunning!

loved on some sweet great pyranese babies (there were lots of cute foster dogs there. all of them super sweet!) and then it was time to go. we had so much fun. even if today i have almost 40 bug bites on ONE knee (i guess i missed a spot with the bug spray)


  1. I'm intrigued to see the photos!
    Love that colourful tat!
    That's amazing - roosters don't usually like to be petted - you must be an animal whisperer!
    Loving your blog!

  2. Whoa im glad you took so many pictures! I was in work mode and wasnt paying fun-attention. Umguhh I cant wait to see them. I hope she was satisfied and that I wasnt too stiff. That bunny eating omg. They are ALL SO CUTE. I love molls bunny. And albert einstein.


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