Monday, August 22, 2011

On the road to Memphis.

My best friend Crystal drove us to Memphis last week so we met her at her house. The city is doing work on the water pipes on her street and for some reason have chosen her house for their home base. It looks so bad we can't stop laughing at it.

look at that huge hole under their driveway! so scary!

we had to stop at loretta lynn's kitchen on the way of course. too bad it wasn't lunch time. it smelled so starchy and good in there. we took pictures with the buffalo like we did a few years ago when we passed through.

i love how loretta has signed so many random things in that place. she personally wants us to use the other door. some day we'll go to her dude ranch. but not this time. we got off the interstate and headed to holly springs for graceland, too.

we stopped whenever we saw something fun/weird.

travis in the back being a good sport while we listened to russell brand podcasts for 4 hours straight.

we had planned on doing lots of thrift shopping but this is somehow the only one we made it too.

nice selection of cat art.

totally bought that. and some great vintage sheets that one of the cats threw up all over as soon as they came out of the dryer! oh the joys of cat ownership.


  1. funfunfunfun. loretta's lynn's kitchen is now on my "to visit" list.

  2. Gotta love a roadtrip! What a lovely cat you have it could of at least done it before you washed it!

    E :)

  3. Is that the one in Jackson, by chance? It was slim pickin's the day I was there (June). I love that Siamese cat picture, though, and would have snapped it right up! :)

  4. i can't remember where it was! we got off of 40 in jackson but i can't remember how far it was until we go to the goodwill.
    i ran for the siamese cat picture but up close it didn't look as great. i don't think it was actually old and it was really gross on the back.


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