Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Don't judge me...

Since Phyllis and Priscilla are both disabled in some way (3 legs/bad knees/arthritis/blind) we can't usually take them on very long walks. which is a bummer because i am much more likely to go on a walk if i can take a dog with me. I've been looking for a wagon to pull them in when they get tired, but it was a fruitless search. so i borrowed this from crystal's mom to see if they/i liked it...
and i am happy to say it was a success! we took them to radnor lake and got to enjoy the whole trail, instead of turning back in 5/10 minutes or having to carry them most of the way.

it is such a nice place to walk.

phyllis really likes riding like this.

put priscilla dived out onto the pavement face first when it was open so we had to zip it up if she was riding. they are so cute.

posing by the lake. pretty much everyone who walked by us laughed.

they were very thirsty from all the riding. priscilla actually wanted to walk a lot of the way. we had to keep getting her back out.
so all in all i really liked using the stroller even though i felt like a dork. haha. we are taking it with us to pugtoberfest (this weekend!!!) and i think it will really come in handy. phyllis and priscilla love being out, and getting petted by a million people, they just can't travel very far on their own. little babies.


  1. awwww! that's the cutest thing i have ever seen <3

  2. when is travis going to buy a pugs not drugs teeshirt. he needs one.

  3. The one with the two of them drinking from the bowl is just priceless! It always makes me so happy to see how good the two of you are to your dogs. Gives me faith in the human kind.

  4. adorable! an old dear in my town has a little electric motor scooter on which she usually has 5 bischons (spelling?) perched. Hilariously she also has the hair of a bichon. she and the dogs are beloved by everyone, especially my daughter. I'd love to bump into you and the pugs down the park x

  5. I love these pet strollers! what a great way to get your pups out and about. I have been dying to get one for my cat since I saw a youtube video of this very one. gotta get on that. thanks for the reminder!

  6. So, so cute! I think it's a great idea. I'm glad that your high diver, Priscilla is okay from that leap. I love seeing people go the extra mile for the fur children.


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