Monday, November 7, 2011

Dia de los Muertos: Part Two!

The Cheekwood botanical garden is really beautiful. The house is amazing and the grounds are so cool.
the "crawling lady hare" is my favorite part of the sculpture trail. she looks so eerie! the sculpture is made of wire. it was hard to pick which food truck to eat from! they all looked good and all had long lines. we ended up at yayo o.m.g. we shared an order of mahi mahi tacos. this is not a great picture but oh man it was SO GOOD. it had cranberries in it! and i don't even know what else. it was amazing.  
i ate this too. i don't know what it is called. we got some pan de muerto too. it was pretty awesome.


  1. eah! it is the "bread of the dead." it gets put on the grave site for the dead to each during dia de los muertos! it is really sweet and awesome.

  2. I love this holiday! I married a mexican so we set up our own alter. That bread is called a "concha" or pan dulce. We eat it with hot chocolate or coffee. :)


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