Thursday, November 17, 2011

Vintage Vacation

we wanted to go out for a pancake breakfast one morning of our vacation. i looked up reviews on trip advisor and almost every place in pigeon forge or gatlinburg has TERRIBLE reviews. like "a cesspool of filth and despair." haha. so this one seemed like the best choice. even though one review said something like "the food was good. but it isn't actually a log cabin."

it wasn't very cute inside. no bear decorations or logs.

the food was pretty good. and our waitress was really weird and made fun of thomas.

we spent the whole day antiquing! it was awesome. we started in sevierville and stopped at all the antique malls we passed. here are some things i saw:

i love walking in and seeing booths like this. i love digging through piles of stuff.

why didn't i get this christmas dog? ugh! third thing lately i regret not getting.

pretty fancy books.

pretty radio. i was 100 bucks or i would have picked it up.

we couldn't stop laughing at this. what would you use it for? an ornament? to hang up when it snows? i wish i would have bought it. it was only 2 bucks. i love the sun choking the snow man.

i loved this little camel. his yarmulke said israel. the tag said he was a souvenir from 1954.

this booth had FIVE dog paint by numbers in it. i had to pick just one. it was really hard.

believe it or not this is probably the first vacation i've taken where we have dedicated a whole day to antiquing and vintage shopping. it was awesome.


  1. I always dedicate a lot of time on my vacations to seeking out vintage/antique/thrift stores! What did you end up buying?

    Also those pancakes look yummy, it's too bad the restaurant wasn't more kitsched out!

  2. Please tell me you got the one with the big and little collies...

  3. i literally loled at the absence of logs.


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