Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Almost done with Christmas...

I decorated for the holidays pretty much all month. I finally finished on Christmas Day. Haha, now I've got to take it all down! But before that, here is what I ended up with...

My mantle is probably my favorite thing to decorate. I can't resist vintage stockings obviously. The two stockings on the right are the ones Travis and I made for each other a few years ago. And Travis picked out the one on the left for Phyllis last Christmas. How sweet is he?

We got to go to Travis' grandmothers' house and take some stuff again, I can't wait to show you the treasures I found! Including that box, which was part of her mother's sewing box! That little snowman elf was an antique mall find from last year.

I got the plastic garland at an estate sale recently for a quarter! I was so excited.

we took out our big white rug and for some reason that made it look like more of a Christmas explosion to me. See Priscilla down there? She is forever supervising me.

This macrame tree is another thing from Grandma Betty's house. I love it!

Priscilla in the Santa hat. She just threw that rat on the ground. I feel like she is like a baby sometimes, she likes to throw her toys of the couch and then I pick them up for her.

my family always puts our presents back by the tree after we open them. Do you do that too? I love it, it is so fun to look at your presents for a few more days before you put them away.

I have really been loving my decorations this year. It will be such a bummer to pack it all away again.


  1. your house is just precious! i love it! you have a really good eye for vintage, too!!!! <333

  2. I can see why you're sad about putting your decorations away, all of your Christmas swag is wonderful. I'm particularly fond of that macrame tree (!!) and of course the miniature aluminum tree. My family leaves our unwrapped gifts under the tree after Christmas too, just to gaze at them longer before they're integrated into our lives.

  3. Everything looks so pretty! You have a great eye for fun, fantastic decorating. It's always so sad to take it down. Christmas decorations make every day seem like a party. Do your kitties not destroy things? All of that cute stuff would be history around here.

  4. everything looks so fun and joyful! i looove putting my presents back under the tree. i love to arrange and re-arrange them. :)

  5. my cats broke a few red balls the first day the aluminum tree was up, but i removed the ones of the bottom three rows of branches and it has been fine since then. the trick it to block their route, so the big santa head on the mantle keeps them from jumping up there and knocking every thing down. and i keep a spray bottle by the tree and threaten them with a water squirt. haha. they have broken way to many of my things!


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