Saturday, December 17, 2011

A little Christmas...

I still haven't finished decorating for Christmas, how ridiculous is that? But here is what I've got going on in my dining room.

a deer and a doily and a cake stand and a wreath make a cute little center piece.
Top of the cabinet.

This little santa was vintage dead stock and i agonized about taking it out of the package! But the package wasn't quite cute enough to display.

little santa on a stick. that purple bowl was FULL of satsumas but we scarfed them in just a few days.

and my little christmas puppies! I'm so bummed, I was going to take them to see Santa at Petsmart again but now I've waited too late! So if someone would like to dress up like Santa and hold the girls for picture I would really appreciate it. Haha.


  1. Everything looks so sweet and beautiful. And the shots of the pups at the end - adorable! And I LOVE your linoleum.

  2. ooh those puppy faces melt my heart!! and I love all the little pieces you put up for christma, so cute! my only christmas decoration is my christmas tree.. a little sad, huh?.. gotta see what I canf ind until next week! have a great weekend :)

  3. Everything looks great ... reminds me of some of the things my grandmother used to have. And the pugs looks so cute! I'm sure Santa won't forget them!

  4. awww those pugs look so sad at missing father christmas, maybe you could give them a plastic santa to chew to cheer em up, poor babies?
    Love the santa-in-a-sleigh-with-white reindeer in particular x


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