Wednesday, December 7, 2011


The best thing about Pinterest is my husband has been using it to pin recipes, and then making all kinds of delicious stuff. Not that he didn't cook before, but now he cooks all the time! I love it! He has made pizza muffins a few times. Yeah that's what i said. PIZZA MUFFINS.

The recipe is from here. We do it with Yves vegetarian pepperoni in a mini muffin pan. And they are so awesome. It is basically dough and cheese and pepperoni, then you dip it pizza sauce. yum.

he also made this awesome pumpkin monkey bread, from scratch! I would have taken a nicer picture in the morning, but we pretty much devoured it.
Do you use Pinterest? I absolutely love it. Here is mine. And here is Travis'. His board of "things my wife would love" is pretty freaking amazing.


  1. pizza muffins?! i'm freaking out!!!! (i'm following both of you now)

  2. i have to take a break from pinterest. every time i'm on, i end up browsing the food section and that just makes me want to put bacon or cheese or some sort of cream sauce on everything and then deep fry it.

  3. It's settled then. This week I will definitely be making both vegetarian pizza muffins and pumpkin monkey bread. My waistline does not thank you, but my tummy does.


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