Sunday, February 19, 2012

Liebster Award!

A few weeks ago I received an award from Wilma the Pug! . I follow a bunch of pug blogs (there are SO MANY!) and Wilma is definitely one of my favorites. I have been known to laugh out loud at how BAD she is sometimes.

Liebster means dearest in German, and you are supposed to pass on the award to blogs you love that have less than 200 followers! I meant to post about it immediately, but I'm slow. But better late than never! So here a few of the blogs that I love:

Vintage by Crystal : Crystal makes the prettiest vintage inspired spun cotton figures! I will buy one some day. It always seems like her updates come RIGHT before pay day. I love it when she posts pictures of her house, she has the best collections and the way she displays them is so great. It would be amazing to go to her house and just look at all her collections all day, or dig through her studio! She taught a class at a cool shop in New York near Halloween and I was so bummed that I don't live close enough to take it!

The Ronins Rule: This is my friend Valerie's blog. It is pretty new, and I love it so much! I'm not a big mom blog reader but I think she is really funny and such a good writer! I want her to update more often. She is supposedly moving to Tennessee someday, and it is going to be awesome.

Life with a Cinnamon Girl:  Julie is married to someone I used to work with but didn't know well.  I found her blog randomly (maybe I was facebook stalking?) and fell in love, but when I would see her in person I would just say hi or wave. And now she moved away and I feel like I lost out on a really fun friend! She is so funny and her blog is pretty much my favorite type. It is personal and honest and is all about her day to day life. She posts the most delicious looking food, and her sweet little family, and her pit bulls! One is named Miss Blueberry Pancakes!

Owl Really: I always love finding blogs by people in my town, and when jamie found me I was so excited! Not only is she a fellow vintage lover, she has a booth at an antique mall that I loved even before I knew it was hers! We live REALLY close to each other, and hopefully we'll actually meet soon. I need to cuddle her new puppy. She has a great favorite finds series where she interviews other bloggers about their favorite vintage finds.

That Girl in the Wheelchair: Ok ok, yes this is another IRL friend. BUT her blog is SO FUNNY. She is a master of pop culture (we have hung out mostly at bar trivia) and I laugh out loud regularly while reading her blog. Some of my favorite posts are when she talks about the weird search terms people use to find her. I wish mine were as funny! Kimmie, we need to hang out more, for real.

Knit x Core: I love Robbie! First of all, I always like it when I find a good guy blogger, there are so few! He is so crafty, I love the vintage inspired lion he finished recently, and I wish he lived near me so we could have craft nights. I think we would really get along because I feel like he gets excited about everything, just like me! And I would force him to knit me some socks!

Ok ok, I gotta stop! I follow TOO MANY BLOGS. Hahah, I think I'm getting close to 300! I just love blogging and the whole blogging community.


  1. ahhh! I love you...and I think I am coming to trivia tuesday. We can be IRL friends some more.

  2. aw, thanks so much!! :) we definitely need to schedule some cuddle time for you and lucy!!! :)

  3. congratulations on your award!!!!

  4. thanks, pal! and correction, we are definitely moving to tennessee!

  5. AWWWWW!!!! thanks boo :-) i'll trade some socks for all of your vintage loot <3


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