Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My first time in Savannah

We decided to stop in Savannah, Georgia kind of last minute. I was looking at possible routes and it turned out it would only add about 30 minutes to the drive is we stayed in Savannah instead of Valdosta, and the former seemed much more exciting. We were only there for about 2 hours (not including sleeping of course) and here is what we did:

I was completely enamored by the spanish moss. You would have thought I had never seen it before.
We went to this bakery on the recommendation of a friend. It didn't disappoint.
The inside was so cute! I felt a little shy taking pictures. Look at this cute display!
They had lots of cute little decorating stuff. I got some vintage/vintage inspired things.
I had a berry pastry. Travis had a biscone (mix between a biscuit and a scone) and it was REALLY good! perfectly sweet and buttery.

We weren't really sure what to do (I hadn't really researched the town at all) so we just headed down to the water front.
I loved the emergency life preserver!
There are LOTS of pretty historic buildings in the city.
I loved the bridges to front doors. Travis went on and one about how he would love to be here for the zombie apocalypse. That is his favorite topic of conversation. I just thought they were cute. Can you imagine stringing some pretty buntings along the bridge? 

We talked about how our lives could have turned out so different if I had gone to the Savannah College of Art and Design. I got in and got a scholarship (not a great one) but decided against it. Travis says he would have followed me down here (of course he would have!) and who knows. Fun to think about. 
We left after just a few hours. I would definitely like to come back, and plan some things to do and research the area. But it was fun for a quick morning stop before getting back on the road. 


  1. That bakery looks lovely! Even our loveliest London bakeries aren't that beautiful!

  2. Beautiful. I love all that blue and pink on the shelves. Dreamy.

  3. I was totally smitten with these bakery pics (another reason for me to find a way to see Savannah, I've been wanting to for ages) and when I got to the last one I realized why it looked so familiar... Sarah from The Small Object (thesmallobject.tumblr.com) posted her engagement photos there recently! Apparently that is where she met her bride-to-be :D Yay small blogworld.

    I love Spanish Moss too. I have this swamp/primeval forest obsession and anything along those lines I am all about.

    1. you are right! i didn't remember that she was even in savannah! I remember thinking her engagement pictures are SO CUTE. i really really hope she posts picture from her wedding.

    2. They were sooo cute. And also definitely increased my need for those modcloth peacock tights, haha.

  4. That bakery is amazing! Now I really want to go to Savannah. Happy V-Day! I did my first collection post for the occasion :)

  5. I love that Travis was thinking of zombies while you were thinking of decorating! You guys are such a cute couple. :)

  6. Unless you already went and just haven't posted it yet you have to go to Athens next time you are in Georgia. There is this awesome restaurant called The Grit, you can go see where Michael Stipe lives (hey I was a big R.E.M. fan for awhile in middle school) and they have killer shopping for vintage and funky stuff.

  7. The Pirate House is a pretty cool restaurant.

  8. You guys are great at exploring. So many places to get to over there I guess...
    That bakery looks like the business!!


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