Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Cutest Find

One of the things I have found recently at the Goodwill Outlet is this "polar bear skin rug" made of yarn. Travis claims he finds them "all the time" but I can't believe he wouldn't bring one home for me! I really love it! 
Travis also didn't think the cats would lay on it. Little did he know, I could set up the perfect cat trap. They can't resist the dining room table if I move the chairs back and act like I'm going to take pictures.
Worked like a charm!
Murray really knows how to work it.
Such a super model. Within the next hour the other two cats had laid on it. And I'm pretty sure Scout it sleeping on it right now. So I would say it is a hit!

And check out that Lisa Frank binder in the back! I can't wait to use that for my negatives.


  1. Ha! I like how Travis is all "Oh yeah, I see those all of the time..." It's perfectly kitty sized. You should put it in front of the faux fire for them. :)

  2. Is that one of those Seek and Find tubes full of beads and whatnot on the table also?

    1. yessss! they have them at this restaurant in louisville called lynn's paradise cafe and we love them! so i couldn't resist when we found one at the outlet.

  3. I love it ... need some for the pugs, too!


  4. LMAO! I love how you "tricked" the cats into jumping up there. I also laughed at your husband saying he finds them "all the time." If so, he is pretty lucky and has an iron will. I don't think I could resist something so cute. (Unless it was at the bottom of the bin covered in glass and dried poo- then, no.)

    1. haha, he is the WORST about bringing home something gross that i would never pick up! he takes gloves with him, and has no fear!

  5. How cool is that! Our cats would love it too,,,

  6. One year for my birthday I asked my parents for a Lisa Frank folder for my birthday. I was a little lispy and my parents said "YOU WANT A LISA FRANKFURTER!!?!!" and laughed their heads off at my expense. I was traumatized and I never did get the folder. Totally jealous of the binder!

    1. hahaha, we are loling about that story! poor baby jenny.

  7. Hahaha That's awesome. And what a gorgeous–looks like my sister's two cats–a brother and sister. Sweetest things in the world! So cute!

  8. If Travis seriously finds those polar bear rugs often, he needs to buy the next one he sees, because Danny would fliiiip out if I gave him one. I would immediately reimburse you and pay for shipping. Seriously.

  9. aww it's so awesome, haha perfect cat trap with all that cozy fluffy'ness! I also LOVE your kitchen table! love love love. Wish I had room to squeeze one in my tiny apartment!

    1. i am so lucky with this table! we had a smaller blue one, that wasn't perfect, and when we were shopping for a big one, my MIL said "well you can have the one that belonged to my mother" and just gave it to us! It is seriously perfect.

  10. PLEASE email me if you ever find another rug like that at the thrift-- it would be an awesome bathroom rug/mat. Or a fun welcome mat! I like that it's kitty approved, your cat is so good at posing for photos. :)


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