Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Madison Flea

I checked out a new antique mall on a tip from the lovely Eartha Kitsch. I was looking for an empty reel for our 8mm projector and had a feeling she might know where I could find one in town.  She told me there were some for sale at the Madison Flea, and also warned me that there wasn't much good stuff there. And boy was she right! Lots of the worst stuff you see at flea markets, expired food, 90's junk, Leonardo DeCaprio posters.... My favorite was probably the random woman doing tarot readings on a folding table in the middle of the mall. It was bizarre.
I did think this doll box was cool, yoo bad the doll doesn't live up to the illustration on the box. Someone gave poor Chrissy a terrible haircut.

I also liked this dinette set of course. It was only 75 bucks! But I don't need a new table. I like the handles on the backs of the chairs. The pretty blue backs look like the silver top on my table.
There was one really great booth full of stuff I liked! I actually bought four things from the owner, who was actually there putting new stuff out. He had just come from a sale that I had been at! He gave me deals on everything I bought, even without me asking. He was very nice and I had a great time talking to him. I wanted to buy a puzzle from him, but it was missing a piece. I was super bummed, then he came to find me in the store because he found it in his car! We high fived.
 First I bought this portable radio in it's case. I have been looking for one to take with us on picnics. 
I love it! I had wanted either a red or blue one, and it works!
I'm pretty sure I almost bought this cat jewelry box at an estate sale last summer. But now I was looking for a cute box, and this fit the bill perfectly. 
It is so cute! Much better than all my pins stuck to a plain piece of felt on the wall.
And it is pretty much all pins and brooches. That is the only jewelry I really wear.
His booth also had exactly what I was searching for, empty 8mm reels so I could watch my dad's family movies. They match our reel vault and work perfectly! They were so cheap too! Most of the ones I was finding on line were 15 to 20 dollars, but he gave me these for 5. 

Travis and I have been watching a lot of the films. I don't know why we watch them so tiny. Maybe next time I'll set up the screen. Travis is so cute threading the projector.
This is one from Christmas 1965. Look at the tinsel on the tree! And the electric candle in the window!
Travis and I were cracking up at my aunt Barbara's Rat Fink shirt!
Their dog Fritz makes lots of appearances. My favorite ones are when the girls take him out on a float into the ocean. He is so cute!
We also watched one that was simply labeled "Rodeo." Lots of bucking broncos, rodeo clowns, and teeny tiny horses pulling little tiny carts. 


  1. Wow, so cool, makes me want to go watch all our old family videos. I should get a copy of them from my mom.

  2. Great finds and those videos are priceless - so fun that you get to see them all like that!

  3. the videos are so cool! i wish my family had neat stuff like that!

  4. Oh! Ho! Ho! That radio is so cool!! I've never seen that dinette before. That's a sweet set. It must be in they way back where it feels so humid and strange? Y'all made me laugh watching the films so small. We did that for a few too and then once the big screen was up, we were like, "SO much better!!" :)

    1. maybe i'll make travis set up the big screen for my birthday. and I'll sit in a chair instead of on the floor. haha.

  5. very cool! that was the guy that eartha got the pam films from right? he is SO kind - i was in line behind him at that sale where we met. he and i talked and i mentioned the pam films and such. he seemed so sweet. so glad he gave you great deals! i ALMOST went to the madison flea saturday but ran out of time. i went all over east and goodlettsville on saturday!

    1. yes, that is him! I mentioned the pam films to him too, he laughed when i said it. it has made him quite the celebrity! His booth is so good! And his prices are really low. I got the feeling he just likes going to sales and picking stuff up, and isn't too worried about making a huge profit.

  6. That Chrissy doll brings back memories, I had one when I was a little girl. I love the box you got to hold your pins!

  7. I've got my o;d family movies but no projector. I bought one at the flea market but it burned my film so I'm still looking. You got some great stuff. I'm glad you can enjoy your old movies.


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