Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Oh Phyllis

To borrow a phrase from The Daily Puglet, Phyllis really needs some good juju sent her way. This morning I let them out of their room as usual, and they both freaked out and ran around while I got their breakfast ready. When I turned to put their bowls down, Phyllis was sitting weird, and then I noticed she couldn't stand up. She wasn't letting her  back left leg (on the same side that she is missing a leg) touch the ground. So of course we rushed her to the vet. She wasn't crying or anything, but when you only have three legs, one not working is kind of a big deal. 
Thankfully, it doesn't seem to be anything serious. Our vet (the great Dr. Paula at Animal Ark in Franklin, Tn.) says she probably just sprained or strained it. She doesn't pull away when you move it around or press it. She gave us an anti-inflammatory and I have to help Phyllis around for a few days. And try to get them to calm down when they get fed, so it doesn't happen again. I don't know HOW I'm going to accomplish that. 
So please send your best juju to Phyllis so she can be back on her feet soon. Even for a little lady whose hobbies are sleeping and sitting on the couch, that is a bummer.


  1. Awww! Your poor little puppy. Well, I am sending good juju aplenty to little Miss Phyllis.


    P.S. Phyllis is a great name. :)

  2. Oh Miss Phyliss, I am so sorry that you have an owie!
    I am sending magic bubbles though the sky filled with healing Juju!

  3. Sending her tons of good juju. Poor thing, it just breaks my heart.

  4. No, poor baby!

    /juju'in your way.

  5. Aww...that sweet girl! That must have been really scary for you and her too. I bet she'll be fine, bless her heart. You might have to do in breakfast in bed for her though. Tiny little tray. :)

  6. Awww poor Phyllis!! I hope she's ok soon!

  7. Oh, no!! I'm so sorry to hear that. She'll get better though! Sassy was playing outside when she was still our foster and pulled a muscle in her back leg. I've never heard a dog make such a cry!! What a champ Phyllis is!

  8. Poor Phyllis! She looks super precious resting on her throne. What if she was faking so you guys would butter her up? ;) I know, dogs don't fake. I always accuse Shiva of doing silly human things and of course she looks at me like I'm nuts. (She's right about that.) I hope Phyllis is feeling much better soon!

  9. oh no! poor phyllis!! here's hoping for quick healing!

  10. Aww, puppy hugs!! My cats have no comment.

  11. awww little puppy..good thoughts are coming to you from the West Coast

    I hope she feels better soon!

  12. Poor Phyllis! Looks like she's all set to get a few days of pampering though. Hope she feels better soon!

  13. We hope Phyllis is feeling better ...

    Pug Hugs ~ Ellen and the pugs, Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty


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