Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Phyllis and Priscilla go to Rock City

I love Rock City, and when I found out recently that you can take your dog there, I have been looking forward to taking Phyllis and Priscilla. Can't you tell how excited they are by that picture? Haha! A nice French couple offered to take that family portrait for us. I'm so happy they did! Even if the 'kids' look less than thrilled. 
Rock City opened to the public in 1932. The owner's wife loved European folklore and imported German gnome statues to put throughout the trail. It is really kistchy and cute. I really want to go at Christmas. We bought season passes this time so we have no excuse not to go back once they put up the lights! 
We saw a few more dogs on the trail.
I love the old names of the rock formations. There are lots of places that you have to squeeze through.
My little goblin.
It turns our Rock City isn't the best place for two differently-abled pugs, especially two really tired ones. We ended up carrying them most of the way, they were not into the stairs, or the dark passageways. It was still fun though!

Travis and Priscilla on the swinging bridge.
I found this vintage photo of Lover's Leap last year and have been keeping it with me so I could take a picture of it with the real one. Nerd alert!
Phyllis didn't like getting too close to the edge or seeing the view, but Priscilla didn't mind. Probably because she couldn't really see the view.

Pretty amazing view though.

I couldn't stop laughing while we were taking this!
Hall of Rainbows.
My favorite part is Fairyland Caverns! There is a fairyland neighborhood at the top of the mountain that has a similar sign. The caverns are a series of caves with black light fairy tale scenes! It is creepy and cute at the same time! Perfect right?
The entrance.
I tried really hard to get some pictures to show you, but these two were the best. Believe me, if you are a kitsch fan you need to visit! You will LOVE it!
Snow White! My favorite part is a big room at the end that is a Mother Goose village. It is huge and you walk around and see all kinds of nursery rhymes, like Jack and Jill and Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater.
Sadly the gift shop isn't good. I did like that cat purse though! Most of it is really cheap modern souvenir stuff. They have some funny gnome hats, to bad not dog sized!
Here they are on our way out. I was so happy that they slept the whole way home. It was kind of exhausting traveling with two little dogs, I don't know how mom's do it! I'm so glad we went on this little trip, even if it left me itching for a longer road trip....


  1. Eeee! I love Rock City. That's where the Mister and I got married. That shot with the old photograph over Lover's Leap is awesome! And Travis and the pups' heads through the holes has me giggling. You all went on a nice clear day when you really could see for miles.

    1. of COURSE you got married there! that is amazing! the first time we went it was really over cast and we couldn't see much, i was excited to be able to see something this time, though I don't know if i really believe that I can see seven states...

  2. How fun! We were planning a trip to Chatanooga this summer and I can't wait to see Rock City. The Fairyland Caverns look amazing! Everything is about 100x cuter with pugs too :)

    1. that is awesome! you should stay in the chatanooga choo choo hotel in one of the train cars! we did that for our first anniversary and i loved it! ruby falls is fun too, and the aquarium is great! the incline railroad is LAME though, totally not worth the price!

  3. I have Rock City bookmarked on my Roadside America tour that I plan on taking next year--i want to see those fairyland caves!

    The 1st pic the dogs look less than

    Love the photos!

    1. lol..i just read the text under the photo and saw you said the same thing.

      Sister from another mister I tell ya!

    2. ugh i love planning roadside america trips. i'm planning one for next year too! my dream is to fly into washington or oregon and then drive down the coast for two weeks!

    3. uh YES! and when you do earmark at least 24 hours of Northern California thrifting with will not be dissapointed!

  4. I love the Lover's Leap photo, Rae!!

  5. oh man I want to go there now! Thanks for sharing such great photos :)

  6. Rock City is fun in a kitschy sort of way. I love the lovers leap vintage photo idea. Perfect!

  7. Woah! Loved this post, it helped me deal with all of the times I've driven by Rock City and wondered what I've been missing.

    And that Lover's Leap photo - so happy for you that you could make it happen! :) Must've been a bigtime "moment". Well it would've been for me anyway.

    1. seriously, i was So EXCITED to finally hold that picture up! i am so glad i didn't leave it at home!

  8. Beautiful photo's!
    And those precious little puggys- oh my gosh!

    1. rock city is the kind of place you would love tweedles! the gardens are so beautiful and the big rock formations are amazing! i'm so happy they let me bring my dogs!

  9. That snow white photo is amazing.

  10. One time I was at Rock City on my 16th birthday and the kids working up front at the little restaurant sang Happy Birthday to me over the intercom system and ever since then I have hated it haha

  11. oh my god, I want to go to Rock City!!!!!
    and I love that old photograph over top of the real scene...brilliant!

    1. i almost can't believe you haven't been to rock city! the whole time i was in fairyland caverns i was like "i have to get a picture to show heidi because she would LOVE IT.' i can't even find pictures online that would do it justice! you would flip! i've heard it is even more kitschy and cheesy at christmas time! i can't wait to go!

  12. awesome!! we went to rock city over our honeymoon. :) i had no idea you can take dogs - that's so cool!

  13. cute! i want to stay in the bed and breakfast right next to it! we went for our one year anniversary! but we stayed at the train hotel.

  14. this looks amazing! you have the cutest dogs ever


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