Thursday, April 5, 2012


I almost always have my dslr with me, and sometimes I'll end up with random little shots of a few days that I don't know how to share. So I'm just going to post them all together! 
A few days ago we were back at Lone Wolf for Travis' last session on his horror half sleeve! It has been three years in the making! 
I walked over to the darkroom while they were getting started. I stopped at JJ's of course to get some over priced snacks. I always regret it later. But their sign is cute.
I was working on my final project. Rubber cement and toners.
Sadly it didn't work out like I planned.
But it was fun to play with the toners.
On my way back I walked to Ben and Jerry's. It was free cone day! I got mint chocolate chunk.
I really love this building every time I see it. I hope something awesome goes in there, and it doesn't just get torn down. If you are in Nashville, this is right were great Escape used to be.
And here he is! Cute bandages and all, haha. I told him to look triumphant.
We also went to a going away party for my friend Ashley. She is moving to New York. Across the street from the party was this cute horse. Lauren (whose house it was) pets this dude all the time. He was so cute.

I love the hand sneaking in from the side, haha!
The only other pictures I took were of this impressive grill. It belongs to Josh, in the blue. All the guys were around it cooking meat, it was very manly. On the bottom left you can see Travis and my Smart Dogs. Not as manly. 

Smart dogs are pretty awesome if you cook them on the grill. We watched the muppets on a screen outside, then the party turned into "have you seen this funny youtube video?" which I love. I got to see lots of people that I really like, but don't see much. It was really fun!
And that's it! Travis and I are off to some estate sales this morning. I'm hoping to get a color wheel for my aluminum Christmas trees. I'm not very hopeful, because they took the picture off the listing, but the sale looks good so we're going to go anyway. I love it when I work late on Thursdays!


  1. (I think my work computer lets me comment on your blog...hopefully) That party looks so fun! I miss summer cookouts. I am jealous that you got to pet a horse! He looks adorable.

    Anyhow, miss boo! I was just excited to finally comment on your blog. I read them all the time at home, but for some reason my comments never go through! It makes me so mad.

    PS - I want to see your holga shots!

    1. yayayay! holga shots coming up tomorrow! i haven't gotten anything incredible yet. i cant wait to shoot some color!

  2. Im glad im not the only one that has 'have-you-seen-this-funny-youtube-video' parties. lol.

  3. party party!!!! "travis looking triumphant" best photo, ever. ask that guy if i can borrow his striped shirt? too good!

  4. I see hot dogs. Those hotdogs are making me hungey!
    How is Phyliss?

    1. she is still holding her paw up about half the time, but she is a pro at walking on two legs (i still can't figure out how she is doing it!) i bet by tomorrow or the next day she will be back to normal.

  5. He does look SO triumphant. And if there's nothing more manly than standing around a grill? I don't know what it is. Except a half-sleeve.


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