Saturday, April 7, 2012


Thank you for all your sweet comments about Miss Phyllis and her bum leg! She is doing much better now. She is still holding that leg up a little bit, but she can walk again and I don't have to hold her up so she can go to the bathroom (she really hated that!). I'm so glad, not only because I hate it when she isn't feeling well, but their 1000 pugs photo shoot is next week! And she will need all her strength. Oh man I really can't wait!
Also, I am obsessed with those rainbow sheets. They are from a recent estate sale. I think they are the most perfect sheets EVER.


  1. I'm glad she is feeling better. (And the sheets are lovely.) :) Happy Saturday!

  2. We are so glad Phyllis is feeling better , especially with her photo shoot coming up! We can't wait for that book to come out - so many of our furiends are going to be in it ...

    Happy Easter!!!

    Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty

  3. Despite everything Miss Phyllis still has that little smile :)

  4. Good to hear that Miss Phyllis is better. What a cutie pie.

  5. I am so glad Phyllis is better.
    Why does her have 3 legs? Was one leg sick?
    kissys to her


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