Saturday, July 14, 2012

Estate Finds!

Here is what I got at that estate sale I posted about yesterday. An old campfire girls book! It is full of different Native American words so you can make up your own campfire girls name! i love it! The horse in the hat is a brooch. I justified it to Travis by saying I'll wear it for Mule Day, even though we've never been, haha. I just liked the key chains and I got the doll to go with Travis' medical collection. You know he was thrilled about that.

I've been wanting a kokeshi doll forever! Can you believe I haven't found one before in all my hunting? This one is big, she used to be a lamp! I wish she was still wire. So cute!
My favorite thing was looking through all the boxes in the workshop! Here are the two I brought home. It says "Misc flowers, small birds, bells, etc."
in that jumble...
Looooooove the chenille frogs!
Box full of ideas. There is one of each thing, so I like to think that they pulled it out and looked through to figure out what the perfect thing to make would be.
You know I decided to get this the second I opened the box.
Umbrella made from a hanky, straw, and pins. Weird clips with little buds glued on.
Creepy baby sock doll! pom pom kitty!
There are little jingle bells inside the red bells. And a panda! And look and that old roll of life savers!
This envelope has the pattern for making these little angels....I think I have my project for the homemade ornament exchange next year!
And there we have it, another haul of weird little tidbits!


  1. Whoo....girl. You KNOW you are killing me with that crafting stuff! Wow!

    1. it made me think of you! especially the pom pom cat!

  2. What a perfect haul! It is nice to see others so delighted by the tiniest odds 'n ends; yesterday I recovered a bag full of antique googley eyes from an old barn sale. Your green pom-pom kitty is too much!

    1. awesome! i LOVE googley eyes. i have replaced missing ones on many old weird crafts.

  3. LOL Yes, those are for sure "Weird Little Tid Bits"! And really cute!
    My favorite are the chenille frogs! I've never seen those.
    Fun finds! :)

  4. I want a campfire girl name. Awesome little treat.

  5. I had several of those creepy weird sock babies as a child. I think my granny made them. Are you seeing a pattern??? She also made the crocheted toilet paper doll covers. Her house was pure kitsch now that I think about it. You would be in heaven.

    1. i wish she had been my grandma! i would keep a crochet toilet paper cover if it was from family. ahah.

  6. Boxes of teeny tiny treasures are the best! The chenille frogs and little nurse doll are just too cute.

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

  7. I NEED some of those chenille frogs! I've already got a million ideas on what I could do with them - the search begins!!!

  8. Sometimes we think of the old things we have given away- I wonder if others enjoys it as much as you do finding things.

  9. I love all your vintage Christmas goodies! I wish we had estate sales like that in Australia.

  10. I loooove the kokeshi lamp! And everything else in this collection :)


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