Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My Booth: The Beginning

How is that for a dramatic title? Haha. I'm really excited for this new project, and I hope I do well. I'm keeping in mind that the summer is traditionally slow, and it is a learning experience. I'm giving myself a year to get it together! I'll try to be good at documenting it here so we can all learn together! I love reading Thriftcore about her adventures in reselling. Poppy is setting up a booth this month and I hope she'll document it too!
My booth is at the Tennessee Antique Mall! I chose this spot because not only is it close to my house, Jamie from Owl Really has a booth here and likes it. There are always a few people browsing whenever I go in, AND they have two boston terriers behind the counter. 
Here is a before shot of my case! Number 912!
And after! I was so worried I wouldn't have enough stuff ready to go, but I actually had a few too many things to fit! Great! And I still have stuff to go through.
All of this stuff is stuff that I bought because I love it! But I really don't have room so I'm having to edit and keep only the things I really love. And I figure if I only buy stuff for it I love, then I won't be bummed if it doesn't sell. And I know there are some other weirdos like me who will like what I've got.
Look at that cute red microscope!
Those paint by numbers! I've been trying to find a spot for them since I bought them but they just don't work anywhere in my house. I priced them a little high because I like how they look in the back.

So there it is! Let me know what you think. I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out and I already have some plans to improve. My biggest challenge was pricing. I think that will be something I have to learn through trial and error. So here is hoping I make some sales and at least make my booth rent back for the first month!


  1. It looks SO great - I love it. And I'm really really really coveting those paint by numbers. I think I might need one for my craft room!!!

  2. I love how colorful your case is! You know walking through some of those antique malls you see the one case with like, all coins or arrow heads and no "set dressing"? Your case has got "zazz"! But, I mean, like I expected it not to. :) I hope ya make a mint (or at least your first month's rent...but shoot for the stars)!

  3. It's perfect! Great use of lifts and levels too. The eye really has a feast. You're a merchandizing pro! And I agree....those paint by numbers - va voom!

    1. thank you! building displays is my favorite part of my current job.

  4. Your booth looks so cool! I want everything in it! Good luck x

  5. Your blog rules! I'm so glad I found it. How much are you asking for the red velvet-y display box? What are those called even?

    1. i think i have ten bucks on it! and i think it is for displaying thimbles! i kept saying i was going to put something tiny in it, but I never made a spot for it.

  6. "To Have A Friend You Must Bee One"! I love that! And I had roller skates just like that when I was little. Also...that elephant looks like something I need! haha! Rae, the case looks AMAZING!
    Great Job!

    1. thank you! i love that bee embroidery too. i will not "bee" disappointed if it doesn't' sell and i have to bring it home, haha!

  7. It looks fantastic, so colorful & full of fun stuff (I'd shop it)! Ours is still in progress, but I'm hoping to have it all set up by this weekend.

  8. How could you tempt me with mentions of boston terriers behind the counter and not post pics?! Seriously though, your case looks great!

    1. haha, i KNOW i can't believe i haven't taken a picture of them yet. they are brother and sister and named mickey and minnie!

  9. This is so great! I'm sure you are going to do awesome. Good luck and get pictures of those bostons hahah!

  10. Looks great and good luck with the new venture. I totally get about collecting too much to keep...you need to let some go occasionally!

  11. Good luck - hope you have lots of sales!!

  12. Ooh this was an interesting post! I've always wondered how antique malls work (if they're profitable to rent space in). I'll look forward to hearing more about this! I've got an etsy shop for vintage stuff but sometimes dream about not having to ship.. :)

    1. that is why i only had an etsy for about 4 days! haha. i don't buy vintage on etsy because i hate paying shipping. i'm definitely going to keep everyone posted, the good and the bad!

  13. Gosh it looks great. Look at all that stuff. I had no idea- of how good it could look.

  14. Looks awesome... Can't wait to go visit...I have a feeling me and jamie will get lost in there . I am intriigued by this reselling idea. I wanna quit my job and do only that

  15. Looks great and congrats! Would it surprise you to know I own at least half the stuff in the cabinent :)

    1. hahah, i would not be surprised at all. i want to come and shop at your house!

  16. Well, I must be one of those weirdos too, 'cause I love it all! I would have picked up every single thing in your booth too! And, I agree the PBN are wonderful, but I really want that Chinese checker board! Good luck!

    Oh, and, of course, I agree with the Boston pix! :)

    1. I love old chinese checkerboards so much! that is my least favorite out of the THREE i have. haha.

  17. Sweee-eeet! Love your kitsch - here's to tons of sales.

  18. I wish I could crawl up into your display case and take a nap. Best place in the world ever.

  19. Oooh i'm so happy for you! I want to go back to Nashville and visit your booth! x

  20. Congratulations! Your booth looks great! Pricing is definitely the hardest part, along with knowing how much to pay for something you want to resell. But the longer you do it the more you get the hang of it. You're going to be so great at this!

  21. this is so exciting! your case looks really great and you must be so excited :) good luck :)

  22. Oh Rae! Your case is so awesome!

  23. i would buy everything in there! great job!

  24. Congratulations, it looks amazing. You have worked so hard nad now your dreams are a reality. :)

  25. It's so cute! I'd definitely stop at that case. Is it still up?


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