Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A day in great detail

Back when I was obsessed with Live Journal (1999-2011) one of my favorite things to do was post in the A Day in my Life community. You told the story of your day in 70 photos and it used to be awesome. Then the mod got really weirdly strict and people started posting whole days of phone photos and I lost interest. But I still love the idea, though a 70 photo post doesn't make sense on a public blog. So here is a day in 25 pictures!
I have quite an audience this morning. We are baby sitting sweet Chloe again.
I get an early start (well, 9 isn't that early I guess) and use my phone to find a lab test place.
Getting blood drawn for the second time in a week! She had to do both arms and dug around and I still have bruises. Ugggghhhh. I'm fine by the way, just looking into biometrics.
After my test I head out of town for an estate sale.
Look at this great air stream! It was HUGE! If only I was in the market.
The sale had a little bit of the kind of stuff I like. I actually passed on that Santa if you can believe it!
Vintage Star Wars. I would love to have the ewoks, or Chewbacca. But they wanted 100 for the set.
I loved this embroidery! Sadly the rest of the pillow case was really stained. I tried to think of a way I could utilize just the embroidered part, but I came up blank.
I headed to two more sales after this. One was a small sale, and I was the only one there, and three people followed me around the whole time! Chatting and being nice but it made me feel really awkward. Then I went to one that had TONS of cat stuff! Every room had framed cat posters. The man who owned the house was there, and he said at the time of his wife's death they had something like 8 cats, 3 chinchillas, 8 hamsters, 20 birds, a few dogs...The house was full of animal themed stuffed. Thankfully it was mostly not my style, or I would have been in trouble!
After those sales I stopped by a "regular" grocery store for the first time in forever. I work at a big "natural grocer" and the explosion of colors and all the florescent light made me really overwhelmed! It was silly. I also made the mistake of asking someone who worked there if they had vegetarian lunch meat. He looked at me like I was insane. (And they totally had it!)
My cart. I'm trying to get Travis to back his lunch every day so he'll stop eating so much Taco Bell.
Home! Scampi gaurds the door while I bring all my bags in.
I reward myself and cool off by watching one episode of Nip/Tuck. I've been watching it on Netflix and sadly just finished it yesterday. I need a new series to watch! Though I don't know what can compare to the drama of Nip/Tuck.
Chloe loved looking out the window.
Priscilla is more into gazing at me her every waking moment. Haha.
I'm going to be sad when watermelon season is over and they aren't so cheap. I bet I've been eating a whole one every single week!
Chloe before.
Chloe after. She loves to be under blankets.
After one episode I get up and go to the kitchen. Murray has been hanging out on the cabinets the whole time Chloe has been here, even though she doesn't even look his way.
Can you guess what I was making? It was for a tropical themed wedding shower. I didn't get a finished product picture, it wasn't very photogenic.
Little buddies underfoot the whole time.
I watched some more Nip/Tuck on my phone. Obsessed.
While my cake cooks I did dishes. I love having colorful cabinets.
Travis came home, and we went on a little date.
Dinner at McCreary's, an Irish pub that we love.
Then we went to a movie. We saw Campaign. I agreed to see it mostly because of the pugs in the preview. It was pretty funny, the pugs were the best part. After the movie was over, we just came home and went to bed. What a good day off. Starting tomorrow I have three days off in a row and I just don't know what to do with myself!


  1. Well it looks like you've had a productive day. Your pugs are adorable. I'm not sure if I've mentioned, but I have two myself. And I'm very sad to say that my Penny pug is quite sick. We've taken her to the vet so many times in the last month and we're just hoping these antibiotics will help. We were just told that she's anemic and fighting off something--they're not sure what. Oh my poor puggies!

    <3 Jackie@ Let's Go Thrifting!

    1. what!! i want to see them! poor penny, i hope she is better soon! we have definitely had our share of vet visits for my two old ladies!

  2. I love the set of teeth on the window frame, thanks for sharing :)

  3. Such a lovely post, all your pets are so cute. I wish we had estate sales here in the UK, they look like great places to pick up neat stuff. x

  4. I would love to go estate sale shopping with you. Although, I know that in the house filled with cat stuff I probably would have taken home everything, despite how hideous it might be. I have a problem.

    1. believe me, it was a good thing that I didn't have my normal basket with me and could only buy what I could carry.

  5. I know what you mean about's so good. I feel the same way about corn too.
    By the way, if those are three teeth on the window in your kitchen... I love them and am jealous! And your colourful cups and bowls!!

    1. haha, i can't believe so many people noticed those teeth! i made them! i used to sell them at craft shows.

  6. It looks like such a good day! I love all of the photos of the dogs. They totally look like best buds. I am going to be really sad when I can't get a good watermelon as well! I am all about them these days. I have some of those little Nasa glasses, too. (Saw in your cabinet.) lol Can you believe I saw 4 of them for sale for $60? And then 4 for $8 at another place. :)

    1. i saw a complete set at a yard sale for 50 cents each once! we just bought one, and i wish i had bought the whole set!

  7. What a fun way to share your day! I just adore your little pugs (I've mentioned before to I had a rescue pug years ago and now I have the buggy eyed Boston). I love the little teeth too! And, your shopping cart could completely be mine (I buy all the same things!)
    I should try one of these posts one of these days!

    1. you should! i love these kinds of posts.
      i love bostons too! they just have too much energy for me (compared to my lazy bones pugs. haha)

  8. Aha my boyfriend showed me the trailer to Campaign so he could point out the pugs. Love all the shots of yours peering up at you, I can just imagine how they follow you around. Nice idea for a post too--I tried to do this the other day but gave up at like midday. Maybe I'll try again! x

  9. Oh yes, i miss admil soo much, I used to do it all the time. And I hear ya about needing a new series, I just caught up on True Blood and now I'm trying to find something to fill the void...sigh

  10. Oh, when Nip Tuck was on T.V. I was HOOKED. I watched it religiously. It was my total guilty pleasure. It must be even better to not have to wait a week in between :)


    1. man, i had tons of those nights where i couldn't go to bed because i had to know what happened next! most dramatic show i've ever seen!

  11. I love a day in the life posts! I also love Chloe. I only met her once but she was SO sweet. Craig was telling me that when he would visit Chloe would be fine with him and then all of the sudden she would just erupt in barking at him. So, I guess Chloe and Craig aren't friends. Ha!

  12. I love that picture of all your dishes in the cabinet! Beautiful.


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