Friday, August 3, 2012

Ready for the sale!

I'm getting everything pack and ready for our trip to the World's Longest Yard Sale! It started yesterday, but we aren't able to make it until tomorrow. As soon as Travis gets home we're packing the pugs away to their grandma's house, and we're on our way to Alabama! 
I'm trying to be prepared! Healthy snacks, lots of water, sun screen, and lots of small bills and change! Can you believe I don't have a change purse? With all the stuff I have? Haha. I've also packed bags and boxes and paper to wrap up fragile things. I'm hoping to bring home a carload of vintage treasures! And don't you worry, you know I'll be documenting it to show you. So send me some good vintage hunting vibes! And lets hope it doesn't rain!


  1. Have a great time! Me and the Mister are going to hit a portion of it on our way to Atlanta tomorrow...can't wait! I have my little map and we are ready to go. :)

  2. Good luck! Take spare camera batteries 'cause you know we'll all be wanting you to show us the wonders along the way! p.s. Don't get too close to those fresh pork rind fryers that you'll see along the way. They'll mess you up and make your hair smell abysmal.

  3. Good vintage-y luck, Rae! I can't wait to hear all about it (it's on my someday list too!)

  4. Sounds so fun! And of course you can pick up a change purse at one of the first few sales I'm sure! Haaa! Have a blast, and bring back tons of vintage cuteness! :)

  5. Go and shop...may the vintage luck be with you. Can't wait to hear about it!

  6. Good Luck!! have an amazing time!! can't wait to see all the treasures you find :)

  7. Love the photo of all your healthy treats and supplies lined up ;) Especially since I'm working on a post on what to pack for long flea market/thrifting adventures. Good luck, take lots of pictures for us!

  8. Wishing you good mojo and great bargains! I can't wait to see the treasures!

  9. Have fun. I can't wait to hear all about it. I know you guys are going to kick some yard sale ass :)


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