Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Louisville Finds

Kentucky, Louisville at least, is a treasure trove of inexpensive vintage. I'm always amazed at the prices and come away with some stuff I really love. This time we only went to one shop, Tickled Pink, because we didn't have much time. The owner of the shop buys whole estates and has everything priced to move out quickly. Here is what I picked up for me: 
Can you believe I found another comet cover? That is what that little poodle is! And of course I can't resist a set of measuring spoons. I need to do a post about all of those that I have. 
I mismatched salt and pepper pair! 25 cents each!
I bought this planner with the intention of putting it in my case, but I might love it too much. The pastels are just too sweet.
I got a sweet little poodle family. The chains are broken, and I can't decide if I want to replace them. The little pink weather house is for my collection. Instead of the woman and man, it has a witch, and two children. 
When I was paying for this little guy, the owner of the shop told me he had HUNDREDS of similar ones he has just bought and was going to sell for 99 cents each. What the heck! I was just a little too early! If he posts on Facebook when he puts them out I might just have to take a little trip.
I'm actually going to clean up this little record player and sell it but it was too cute not to show you.
Travis picked out the survival game. It looks pretty complicated, but fun!
I love the kind of passive aggressive message at the top of this card.
I picked up a few photos as well, all with animals.
What do you think this guy is? I said wombat, Travis says tazmanian devil. I guess it could be a dog, but I don't really think so. There are no clues on the back.

This is one of my favorite pictures that I have found! Do you see the boat they are riding on covered in flowers? I think this is somewhere in Mexico because I've seen modern pictures like it, but I'm not sure where. I love their formal outfits and the boats and trees and water in the background.



  1. I had a similar weather house (not pink) that had a witch and two kids..finally figured out it was Hansel and Gretal and the witch after discovering some markings on it.

  2. Another crocheted Comet animal? Well if nothing else, you give me hope that there was more than one of these made. : )

    1. isn't it funny how you won't see something for years, then you will find a few in a row? Earlier this year I had been looking for a crochet poodle bottle cover for over a year and hadn't seen ONE and then I found FOUR in about 6 weeks! So strange!

  3. That last picture is mostly likely from Xochimilco and taken at the floating gardens. Xochimilco is a area of Mexico City DF. Mexico City use to have lots of water but most lakes were drained. What remains is the canals in Xochimilco. Spending a Sunday afternoon on a colorful boat, also called trajineras. Doesn't sound like an amazing way to spend an afternoon?

    1. thank you! and yes that does sound completely amazing.

  4. Rae,
    Your posts are always so much fun to read! It sounds like you and Travis always have such a good time on your outings! And such good vintage finds...makes me want to go on a road trip your way...those photos (and everything else) are just great!

  5. The salt and pepper shakers, the orange/red bunny(?) Too cute!
    as always some great finds. :D

  6. I love that it's a witch and two kids. Also, that last picture. YES!

  7. Great finds. I love all the old photos. The little christmas decoration is super cute as well.

  8. Oh, I'm going to have to go to tp when he puts them out! They're adorable! :)

  9. Another Comet cozy! How cool is that?!

  10. How much for the record player?!?!?

  11. You keep getting so much cute poodle stuff recently!!
    You definitely have a talent for finding adorable stuff

  12. I updated my blog stuff so you can email me with details for the magazine.

  13. Hello there!! Thanks for linking up!! I'm going to follow you! I am one of the co-hosts at Lara's Vintage! I really love the poodles!! Totally something that I would buy too!! :)

  14. DO A FRIEND A FAVOR. hahaha that reminds me of thomas. how long would that take to play by actual mail! hilar.


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