Saturday, December 15, 2012

Estate Report: Last of the Season?

Estate sales are really winding down around here. There haven't been many interesting ones among the few that have been posted lately either. But this sale over in the Crieve Hall area was pretty tempting. The listing described a family with 5 kids in the 60's who didn't throw anything away. They even had a separate entrance for the toys the first day. Sadly I had to work that day, but I sent Travis. He was too overwhelmed by the toys and said I would have to go back myself. So I did. Twice. 
 There were so many good stuffed animals! Look at the sweet egg lady with braids coming out of her temples! And the hamburgler! I heard there were some dream pets in that pile on day one, but I missed out. It was hard not to bring home a ton of old stuffed animals. But I know that is crazy so I didn't.
 Look at the shelf FULL of games to the right! And the tables packed with toys. i heard that there was WAY more the first day. i would have loved to see it all!
 I thought this decrepit bunny was super cute, but contented myself with just snapping his picture.
 I love this little kitchen play set! I was marveling that someone hadn't picked it up by the last day, and the people running the sale pointed out that it is metal and has pretty sharp edges. Haha, I guess you can tell I'm not a parent. That didn't even cross my mind. I should have gotten a shot of the inside of the fridge doors. It was stocked with all kinds of vintage packaged food.
 There wasn't much Christmas which I thought was a little strange. These two Santas were pretty cute.
 And I was swooning over the pink bathroom. Gosh I wish I could just transplant it in my house. We are facing a bathroom redo soon, but I think a pink bathroom will be out of our reach. And our house is 1940's so it really wouldn't fit.
But I love this one so much! Maybe I should just move. 


  1. Replies
    1. there was tons of fisher price stuff! they had a whole box of the old little people! even the wooden ones!

  2. Thursday was TOTALLY. OVERWHELMING. So we went back Saturday, too! I'm heartsick I couldn't afford the Mattel's Major Matt Marshall space exploration stuff...IN THE ORIGINAL BOXES. Boxes. Plural. What a bang for the end of the estate sale season, though! Also, pink bathrooms... just always yes. :)

    1. oh my gosh i saw those sets! can you believe they lasted so nicely in the attic! i wonder who ended up with them.

  3. I'd love to have been going through all the games.....

  4. When I was house hunting I looked at a house that had a pink bathroom just like that. I loved it, unfortunately it was not the house for me though. I would have loved to dig through all those vintage toys. Hope you and Travis have a Very Merry Christmas!

    1. somehow we didn't look at one house with a pink bathroom! if we move, that is definitely on my list of wants!

  5. I loved that bathroom, too! I came home and told Mark about the house since we are looking to buy and it is for sale but he doesn't want to live in Crieve Hall. :( Total bummer, I like that neighborhood a lot. That reminds me, I still have to take my cuckoo clock from that sale to the clock fixer guy...

  6. How rad is that plush of the hamburgerler. Sooo rad.

    1. i wish now that i would have bought it. they were asking 10 dollars, but it was only 5 on the last day.

  7. Pfft. I had that exact same stove and fridge as a kid and I never died. Kids these days....jeez. : )

    1. did you really? how cute! had a little tykes kitchen but it wasn't nearly as cool.

  8. That toy kitchen is very cute! I love the bathroom too :)

  9. Aww I missed that one and so close to my house... no time for sales lately- have been so slammed with end of the year work. Hope you had fun! :)

  10. Sharp metal edges? Who cares??? Everything was like that when we were little, and we're OK! lol The fridge set is too cute! As is the pink bath room!
    Erica :)

    1. haha, i'll be that parent with all the dangerous vintage toys in the house for my kid. and the lead paint!

  11. The bathroom is cute, you are so lucky to be able to do a redo. Our house is really ugh my dream is to be able to redo it in a 40s or 50s style but its financially out of reach mortgages here are off the charts

    urban hounds

    1. sadly we are redoing our bathroom because we have too! there is a wooden window in our shower and water has gotten behind all the tile. i wish we had time to really save up and make the bathroom perfect!

  12. Vintage toys are THE absolute first thing I ever scan for.... I would have bought ALL the stuffed toys in that pile. Can you please humor me and tell me at least what the prices were on them?
    So is Nashville like Vintage Valhalla or something?!

    1. me too! they were cheap, most were about 2 bucks, and the mcdonald's ones were 10. i had to just step away from the table.

  13. Oh, I forgot to mention THE BEST thing.

    1. i was seriously tempted by her! she was more dingy in person than she looks in the picture.

    2. I'm just going to start making my own dang replicas of these elusive toys!!! Any requests??

      Dead serious.

  14. That play kitchen is the most! Kids are resilient; get 'em a tetanus shot and they'll be fine.

  15. Tots would have died over the stuffed McDonalds toys. Would have came home with me.

    Pink bathroom, hotness.

    1. they were 10 bucks so i hesitated. i wish i would have brought home the hamburglar at least on the last day! there was a funny jolly green giant toy too.

  16. I want a makeover to look like the egg lady with braids.

  17. That wasn't a bad way to end the season. The weird little bunny is pretty cute. Some little kid loved the heck out of that thing.

  18. i want all of the things. all of them.

  19. Some of the toys look familiar ... being a child born in the 60's - my grandparents had tons of toys at their house. I wonder what ever happened to all of those toys .....

    1. when i was little the church nursery where we went was full of these toys too! all the older people donated their kids toys i guess. i wonder if that is where i got my love of vintage!


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